Any timeline for the huel greens arrives to european countries now it arrived to uk already or there’s no plans yet this year?
Only because if i have to use some resend service it will be the same price as ag1 or other similar
Any timeline for the huel greens arrives to european countries now it arrived to uk already or there’s no plans yet this year?
Only because if i have to use some resend service it will be the same price as ag1 or other similar
We hear you.
Of course, it’s taken some time for us to get it to the UK so this is feedback I’ll pass on for you for sure. Do you happen to have a specific country you’d like to get it delivered?
Feel free to add Germany to the list
Legends, thank you for feeding this back to us!
+1 for Daily Greens in EU, I’d also love to try Daily A-Z and/or Superblend - I guess they all kind of target the same customers?
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