Huel is good festival food

So I am at a festival. It is an extreme music festival.

It’s pissing down and festival food is over a tenner a pop so Huel is good nourishment.

The headline band tonight is an anagram of Hueling. What are the chances. Don’t expect they drink Huel. They just chow on raw meat.

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Anyway they are called Heilung. Here a live show for your entertainment


That looks groovy. Makes me think of Koyaanisqatsi. and Hawkwind, somehow. :+1:


They were a bit more pagan /viking /ritualistic than that. But I cam see where you are coming from with that comparison.

One band I enjoyed (and have seen before) is called Liturgy. My mate who’d not encountered them before thought the vocalist sounded like she was giving birth.

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Fun for all the family!

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At least you’re getting out of the house now.


If you only have RTD you’ve had to carry a lot of weight, more than 2kg for 2000kcal per day - the powder would be more practical.

I carried rtd and powder but no h&s as I didn’t pack a camping stove. I did have some Huel vitamin drink too. I’m a strapping young lad (see what I did there - Devin Townsend played too) so managed to carry it all.

Yes, I have finished my time with his royal Highness.

Does anyone else eat Huel powder without water? I feel like I might be on a slippery slope.

But if it’s not unhealthy it’s the perfect festival food. Just take a spoon.

A portable water kettle could do the trick, always keep one handy when traveling.

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Someone did a video on the forum a few years back of them eating Huel powder. It’s not much fun to watch, nor to do. A bit like the cinnamon challenge.

I didn’t have anywhere to plug it in. When I’ve been to other festivals I’ve had access to a camping stove but not this time. Huel hot and savoury is definitely good at a festival

I’ve just been having a little bit without water, kind of like a Sherbet Dip Dab. :stuck_out_tongue:

Funnily enough I did that today with coffee caramel and it’s quite nice. Some aren’t as nice dry but that one’s quite tasty…but I couldn’t do 100g.

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There’s a snack idea for Huel, little bags of powder with sugar-free lollipops. Get 'em started young…

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Cool :sunglasses: I hope you had a great time @hunzas

I believe someone from Huel was also there this weekend, but was likely undercover chowing on raw meat.

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It was superb. My taste in music is somewhat dubious. It’s a great little festival. I’d recommend it for next year. Maybe a Huel team building exercise.

I didn’t see anyone asleep in a hammock so assumed Huel wasn’t representing this year.


:sob: how about just having a nap somewhere?

Thank you, that’s totally and absolutely brilliant. And much better with Huel, of course!
And after that, Midsommar! :hugs:

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