Huel on tv

I used to like Dave Gorman when he was on national TV, now he has been push out to Dave I didn’t even know he was still around until last night.

It’s a bit of shame that he has turned into such a negative critic. The world has enough critics already. In the wise words of Anton Ego…

In many ways, the work of a critic is easy. We risk very little yet enjoy a position over those who offer up their work and their selves to our judgment. We thrive on negative criticism, which is fun to write and to read. But the bitter truth we critics must face, is that in the grand scheme of things, the average piece of junk is probably more meaningful than our criticism designating it so.

I don’t mine intelligent debate but Dave’s humour what below what we see daily on facebook, but we are used to it and can take it.

But when he starts to calling people c–ts it’s beyond being an critic and shows that he has lost his ability to be a good comedian. And to pick out our Huelers who gave their time for free and their honest opinion is below the belt.

The good news is he didn’t get many laughs, a lot of the time the audience looked interested in Huel.

It’s very disappointing when we are small startup who are genuinely trying to make the world a better place and to solve one of the world’s great problems (how to feed a growing population without destroying the planet) that he attempts to ruin our business. Maybe he thinks we are a big business but at just 9 people we are young and this sort of unintelligent criticism could result in job loses or worst. Startups are fragile.

For your information Dave…
The world population is 7 billion and will grow to 9.7 billion by 2050. We can’t carry on the way we are, if everyone ate a western diet we would be in big trouble. We throw away 30% of all food, we use meat as a primary food source which is inefficient, often inhumane, and unsustainable. Did you know it takes 7kg of grain to make 1kg of meat in the UK and USA. Livestock is responsible for more greenhouse gases than all the cars and planes in the world combined. Have a read of this -

As a population we have made food so delicious that we crave it, get addicted to it, and over consume it. The result is that over 64% of adults are overweight or obese and obesity related conditions are on the increase. Over 4 million people have diabetes, and over 15 million are classed as borderline diabetics. Did you know that “Obesity reduces life expectancy by an average of three years, or eight to ten years in the case of severe obesity. Around 8% of annual deaths in Europe (at least one in 13) have been attributed to overweight and obesity. The cost to the UK economy of overweight and obesity was estimated at £15.8 billion per year in 2007, including £4.2 billion in costs to the NHS”. National Obesity Observatory (Brand Profile)

Plus we live increasingly busy lives. People don’t always have access to a kitchen or the time to buy, prep, cook and clean up, or have the knowledge to ensure they are getting all the essential fatty acids, essential amino acids, or the 26 essential vitamins and mineral in the correct amounts just from whole food. These are some of the issues of not getting all your vitamins and minerals - What are the 27 essential vitamins and minerals? – Huel - sure you can use vitamins tables but absorption is usually best when spread throughout the day.

Huel contains all the essential amino acids, essential fatty acids, fibre, phytonutrients, and at least 100% of the European Union’s “Daily Recommended Amounts” of all 26 essential vitamins and minerals​. Huel is high in protein (148g per 2000 calories) and fibre (35g), just 4.6g of sugar per 2000 calories, is made from sustainable ingredients (oats, pea protein, rice protein, flaxseed, sunflower, coconut, plus a bespoke vitamin and mineral blend), 100% vegan (better for the environment and animals), requires minimal packaging and has a shelf-life of 12 months (so zero food waste), has a low GI 27, and is filling.

So when compared to the average western diet Huel will:

  • Save time (yes you are allowed to use for other things than just work!!)
  • Provide 100% nutrition - not as easy as it sounds unless you have a lot of knowledge and have a large spreadsheet to ensure you are getting all 26 essential vitamins and minerals in the correct amounts, essential amino acids (especially if you are vegan) and all essential fatty acids)
  • Contain less sugar
  • Be lower GI
  • Vegan whilst still provide a great amino acid profile
  • Will reduce food waste
  • Kill less animals and reduce inhumane treatment of animals
  • Reduce greenhouse gases
  • Reduce packaging
  • Make calorie counting very easy and precise
  • Contains MCTs
  • Contains no allergens (gluten free version)
  • Contains potent antioxidant such as Lycopene
  • Contains Lutein which have prevent macular degeneration of the eye in the elderly