Huel powders

Hi all

Im using Huel as a kick start to losing weight and decided to start slowly and have picked up a bag of the chocolate essential powder, not a fan, tastes too weak and chemically.

I’m curious if the flavours are better in the black edition powders or v3? Id be happy to pay more for a better tasting powder but if the only difference is the higher protein content i may have to rethink.


Hi Timbo, I think you’ll find the v3.1 and Black powders are much tastier. Stronger flavours anyway. I’m a fan of the mild biscuity Chocolate Essential, but it’s a thinner flavour than either of the other Chocolate options. Tho’ it does mix really nicely, so if you fancied say Banana flavour in v3.1 or Black you’d be able to mix your Essential in to make a third option, flavour-wise.

Good luck with the weight loss plan. :slight_smile:


They are very different to each other aside from the protein - perhaps the largest difference is that Black is Tapioca based instead of oats so has a smoother texture and is also much lower in carbs.

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Chocolate flavours in general are a very diversive flavour with people having different ideas of what is chocolate. The scale can range from dark and bitter to milky to American style chocolate etc. I make my own “chocolate” style flavour adding raw cacao powder to v3.1 original flavour.

Flavour and taste is very individual so ultimately you’re going to have to try a few flavours and make your own mind up. Original flavour is quite oaty / malty if that helps. I think it’s nice as it is but it’s also a great base to add things to.


Welcome to the Forum Timbo! Seems the community are already kicking in to help which is fab!

Weak and Chemically, I’m curious to explore this more. Can I ask how you are currently making up your Huel?

As for weight loss, we do have a super handy article right here which can help guide you through the pathway of weight loss using Huel - How to Lose Weight Well | Huel Guide

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Thanks for the replies, i will give the huel black a try and see if the different ingrediants help make a difference for me.

I started by making as per instructions, 500ml water and 2 scoops, it was fine but not the most pleasent of tastes, i varied over the last few days by using sugar free oat milk with 2 scoops and it was much nicer but at an extra £2.50 a day for milk its a bit pricey. Im going to experiment with some frozen fruits, water and huel to see if this helps mask the flavour

Just to add ive been having the pasta variety meals and premixed bottle drinks and they are beautiful, very tasty and filling, banana being ny favorite bottle flavour and mac n cheese my favourite meal.

But i cant afford to constantly have the bottles hence the powders but its handy to have bottles to mix things up.

In a week ive left 6 pounds so far :+1:

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That does sound expensive. I’ve used unsweetened economy soya at 50p/litre with Chocolate Essential and it’s worked well: thicker, smoother, creamier, more filling.

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One of the best things I can suggest that could help with texture is putting Huel in the fridge! I find that when you do this it tends to thicken up the powder giving an ever so smoother texture why being thicker if that could help!


Thanks Mark, ive tried the fridge method ended up making thick yoghurt! :laughing: think i needed to put more liquid in next time.

After the tips i went out yesterday and bought some vanilla flavour, sugar free oat milk. Put 350ml in a blender instead of 500ml and 2 scoops, came out MUCH better than the 500ml water.

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Essentials Chocolate is one of my least favorite flavors and vanilla essentials is one of my favorite flavors


Thats a team victory ya’ll! :heart:

At least in Germany the bottles come with a deposit of 0.25 euros, you have to bring them back, otherwise it would be very costly. That makes it a very inconvenient alternative. Maybe it’s better in other countries, though. I wouldn’t be suprised if it was, because the current german government is one of the worst catastrophes we’ve had in the more recent past.

At least you don’t have Roland Rwanda Rat and his bunch of twats

Who is still better than the previous one, and the one before that, and the one before that.

or Viktor Orban… sigh

No, almost nothing is worse than the German government. You would know what I mean if you lived in Germany…

Well, I would suggest going back to the original topic.

how to add flavor to the original flavor? I’m a beginner if you could give me some ideas.

Don’t ask that loser. FFS

Just try what you like. My go to is 90g of original + 12g of raw undutched cacao powder (from the raw chocolate company).

But you can add coffee, vanilla. In the past there have been lots of threads discussing flavouring Huel. As well, if you Google “Huel recipes” you’ll find the now archived recipes pages.

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