Huel Ready-to-drink is here …

2000 is a healthy guideline to start with. > 2000 = weight gain, < 2000 = weight loss. Most importantly you can’t cater to the non- average person. The way Heul is operating, they are catering to those who want to lose weight.

Oh well, McDonalds caters to those that want to be obese.

Swings n roundabouts innit?


Huel = Human Fuel = Food
As with all food, it is up to us how we use it. Difference is, Huel is a complete food ie balanced.

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RTD cocoa o chocolate?


I just tried Vanilla RTD after adding a bottle to my last order. I have to say I pretty much hated it - and there’s not much edible stuff that I actually hate. Forced myself to finish it, and towards the end found a bit in it that reminded me of scale from a kettle. Suffice to say I put the rest down the sink and am hoping the Berry is much nicer once I convince myself to risk trying it!!

Berry is much nicer than the Vanilla, it tastes more like a Yop yoghurt.

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Was this on the Huel insta or is it the USA version.

I have a feeling only their US manufacturer might be developing this flavour.

That image was taken from the US instagram/forum.

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I have read a lot of people that dont like vainilla RTD. But its my favourite hahah

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I didn’t like it much at first, but it has grown on me. I think it tastes better when not chilled, when I normally drink my Huel chilled.

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I’m really looking forward to coffee RTD.


I did chill it for an hour @hunzas but the taste was unbearable. I did read people preferred berry @airiartev but I didn’t think it would be as gross as it was. I was expecting a yoghurt taste with a hint of vanilla. Maybe I got a dodgy bottle or maybe my taste buds decided enough was enough and rebelled as I felt really nauseous. I’ve prepped an original for tomorrow with banana and pbp, think they should accept that!

Shame. I wasn’t overkeen at first, but it was nowhere near as bad as you describe, and after half a dozen bottles I quite liked it…enough to buy it again. I will alternate with coffee RTD and Berry RTD.

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@surrealsai how would you describe the taste?

I grab a double shot of espresso from Coffee Bean on the way to the office and tip it into a chilled vanilla RTD - works a treat


I can’t say because although at first I had a tiny hint of vanilla, the overall taste was simply so gross I just knocked it back to avoid wasting it, until I found the bit and gave up!

@Tim_Huel @JamesCollier

Hello, my RTD have their due date on June and I want to send you some feedback

I have only 11 bottles of the 48 that I preorder when RTD was announced. The shelflife was 6 months. On their last weeks the berry flavour is “cracked”, not rotten but spicy and with a much less sweet flavour, it is not as nice as it used to be. At the beginning the flavour was like a nice berry liquid yougurt.

The vainilla flavour remains very similar, no changes, but you could tell the difference between a new one and a 6 month old.

I hope it can help, KR


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Thanks for your feedback - appreciated.

That’s interesting - we have some end June ones here still and (although they are past their 6 months) they are still fine.

Can you please give us the batch numbers of these so we can look in to this?


Would it be 29.06.19A29 04:34 P18333 the batch?

One addition: Instead of being silky smooth as at the beginning you can feel tiny tiny grains of something in the RTD, like powder, quite weird.

Thanks - I have passed this on to our Technical and Product Development Teams