Huel Shaker Lid Broken after 3 months

Have been using my huel shaker in and off for 3 months now and the rubber handle is beginning to tear off. I don’t hold it by the handle and only really attach the lid by turning it. Such a shame as one of my favourite shaker bottles, just hoped it would last a bit longer.

Hey! Sorry to see this! Can you send this pic and your order number over to and we’ll get a replacement lid sorted for you!

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This happened to me too after a couple of months but to be honest I never really missed the rubber handle.

This broke off mine the other morning

Send a pic and your order number over to and we’ll get a replacement lid sorted for you!

Have you ever seen the comedian Stewart Lee? Some of his funniest material is when he repeats himself endlessly


If we break enough shakers we’ll get an Amie post that takes an hour to scroll past.


Oh so it’s fine for everybody else here to repeat themselves/each other endlessly

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If that happens it’s because I’ve left the company and I’m torturing the next person who gets to man the Huel forum, if you can’t beat em…

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Anyway, let’s try tp stay on topic.

Oh it wasn’t a criticism. Stewart Lee is very funny. Peter from Family Guy is also adept at it for humour value.

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I have several shakers this has happened to.
Didn’t really affect the functionality and I wouldn’t want to replace and contribute more plastic pollution

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