Huel Timeline

I’m aware of this page for keeping track of how Huel has changed:
Version History

Where would a more complete timeline be kept? Past product releases, flavours/improvements presently being worked on and future updates to come

Also, I noticed the release of Banana flavour hasn’t been included in the page above so let me know if there’s a more updated version


I would also be interested in this, if anyone at Huel HQ has some time on their hands :grin:

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Or you missed it, or someone heard you :wink:


It’s more amusing that pretty much everyone says it tastes more like mint choc chip than minty chocolate: ie is much more minty than chocolatey… so their description isn’t very accurate


I do enjoy reading the “patch notes” of products like this. I hope the day never comes where Huel only write “bug fixes and performance improvements”.

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Ooh, could have sworn I ctrl+f’d “banana” and didn’t find anything before posting so I guess they added it in quickly :thinking:

  • Fixed an issue where bags of Huel can fall through the ground

I wasn’t keeping too close an eye on the forums pre-release of pre-mix Banana flavour but I didn’t see that coming at all. I just suddenly noticed it was an option on the site at one point and then a few hours later that day did I see the twitter post announcing it arrived.

Was there any discussion about Banana pre-mix leading up to release? I’d like to keep an eye out for new stuff on the horizon like that to get hyped about it


Lots of people had requested it, but I think it was a surprise to all of us. Certainly no mention of it here…


I was surprised they didn’t at least use the forum to promote it. All these tame cultists they could have whipped into a frenzy.


It took me by surprise…I nearly slipped on the skin.

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All past product releases are on the page.

We won’t put any future plans on there because 1) it’s a secret 2) it ruins all the fun 3) it puts marketing out of the job, wouldn’t be much to shout about if we just put new products with a one liner on a page that’s part of our guides and articles.

Banana flavour is there and has always been there. We haven’t just added it!

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Could you tell anything about the next powder version?

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I know things… but I can’t tell you anything sorry!

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Oreally? Unimaginable hahaha

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The new vanilla we have now will become the original flavour as the future new vanilla version becomes the new vanilla and the present original vanilla becomes the ancient vanilla version or even won’t exist anymore.


Tell us a hint ot something!! Hahaha Any quarter of the year? Any improvement?

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Looks like I’m going blind then. Is this Huel’s doing? :wink: Will newer versions of Huel stop making people blind?

I am kidding, I love Huel


I tend to disagree, 'cause the anticipation for things is half the fun of everything for me, if not more

I need to clarify I’m not asking for future releases and improvements to be included as text on the Version History page. You’d be right then- that’s no fun at all. I’d only pointed out that the Version History page has the right idea in capturing the past.

As for the stuff currently in development and future plans, I see other companies do things like Concept Showcases, Previews, Tech Demos, Development Roadmaps. (Although I haven’t seen any in this complete foods/meal replacement industry)

So I actually think showing off current research and future releases would mean more Marketing work, not less

Alright then, thanks for killing my Huel information FOMO :joy: Comforting to know we’re all in the dark, all cozy-like

You and me both :man_shrugging:


Right that’s it I’ve had enough I am leaving Huel!! @Dan_Huel your fault for not spilling the beans!!

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Is there a new “rich and indulgent” Chocolate flavour I’ve missed? Or are they talking about the “vaguely cocoaish atonement for your sins” Chocolate I’m currently “enjoying”? :face_with_hand_over_mouth:


It’s indulgent in that we indulge Huel’s delusion that it tastes like chocolate.

And have you heard the phrase “that’s rich”? Like that.


I see what you’re saying, sorry for the misunderstanding. For now, I don’t think this is something we will do. We move so quickly and things can change right at the last minute. It’s kind of like releasing a concept car to you guys with 3 wheels and then come launch time the car has 7 wheels.

Careful, I might call your bluff.