I want to jump for joy

If I go to manage subscriptions I get 404 Page not found. I’ve tried on many browsers.

I’ve emailed three times over the last few weeks and each one has been ignored!

Do I have to close my bank account to stop the subscription?

Just buy a new computer. It works fine on mine on several browsers.

Or it may be an issue with ad blocker, turn that off, clear your cache (rather than clear the cash from the bank), and try again.

Hey there Lynsey, we got your email on the 28th and replied. The problem is that under the email you have emailed on (and the one used for this forum account) you do not have a subscription set up, you’ve placed an order and it was a single purchase - hence why you can’t manage your subscriptions using your current account.

  1. Do you have another email address you would have set a subscription up with?
  2. Could you please check your junk to see if you got a reply from us?

If there is no other email, then you don’t need to worry as you don’t have a subscription, so no risk of another order coming through :slight_smile:

No, I haven’t received a reply in my junk mail or anywhere. If I had received something explaining the above I would have known what the problem was and it would have been resolved weeks ago.

I have now resolved the problem and just skipped a month. Lucky save.

Thanks for letting me know, I will pass this on.

Was your subscription set up under a different email address?

Glad you’ve sorted it and sorry for your problems here.