Is there enough of the right type of fibre in huel to feed your microbiome

I’ve been researching a lot about the microbiome. The more i read the more important it seems but does huel have the things our friendly little critters need to survive

Huel is rich in insoluble and soluble fibre including prebiotic fibres that gut flora need. What particular concerns do you have?


Thanks for the fast response James.
My 50 year old partner had a hysterectomy just over 10 years ago so now has the all clear but a while after she developed ulcerative colitis so ended up with lot’s of antibiotics . That was 3 years ago since then she has put on over 3 stones dispite being vegetarian and and eating heathy. Her doctor sent her to a nutritionist who put her on a diet!!. I was concerned about her nutrition so got her to try huel as i have it and thought it would help .I then started doing my own research and read 10% Human. What a fascinating book. I have doubts about how upto date her nutritionist is after she had never heard of huel. I’ve got her to start taking Micromax probiotics but after reading the book wanted reassurance that huel would be feeding her new friends

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Hi @Stedy

Thanks for the reply. Huel contains prebiotics which help the natural flora. Some people post long-term antibiotic use may benefit from addtional probiotics as well.


Thanks James
I did think it would but just wanted clarification. Once again thanks for the quick response.

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There was recently a study showing that exposure to forest soil could possibly be beneficial for your gut microbiome and immune system. There have probably been similar studies before, feels like ol news.

News article (sorry about google translate not handling finnish very well):


Thanks for that very interesting