Well, on a scale of 1 to 10. On taste.
I’d rate MCF a 6 (a 7 with more water)
TGC a 9, and
T&H a 0.
I’d happily stock up on TGC. Look forward to hearing what others think. Also, can’t wait for the new flavours to arrive.
Well, on a scale of 1 to 10. On taste.
I’d rate MCF a 6 (a 7 with more water)
TGC a 9, and
T&H a 0.
I’d happily stock up on TGC. Look forward to hearing what others think. Also, can’t wait for the new flavours to arrive.
Ouch, cutting review of Tomato and Herb! Sounds like you like your spices and spiciness! If you still have some T&H left then get some siracha sauce in there or similar and you’ll love it!
Someone mentioned MSG on the forum. Not everyone wants it but I find a pinch of that with some hot smoked paprika and tomato and herb is really tasty.
I also recommend T&H with sriracha + a dash of black pepper. That’s my favourite combination.
or using as a base for soups, chillis, pasta sauces etc - lends itself well to anything like that.
That’s good too.
Yessss! Siracha is the one, favourite hot sauce at the moment.
What do you mean here, do you mean you’re using Hot & Savoury as a base for pastas and soups! Sounds awesome, I remember you sharing some great looking chillis etc using H&S!
Yup - exactly that