What happens to the plain chocolate preblend Huel was working on? I thought we’d see this first to test the water opposed to something a bit more out there.
Chocolate is safer, appeals to the masses more and would surely sell more than tinting the flavour with mint which could really divide people.
I would have thought getting chocolate mint means you start with a base of chocolate first.
i’ve ordered my chocolate mint but i’m still hoping huel get going with the chocolate pre-blend soon!
For all the people clambering for chocolate huel, just put cacao powder in yourself. the taste is mostly there and raw cacao is very good for you. a cacao huel has been my breakfast for ages.
It’s actually the only bagged powder that I would drink ‘as is’ and not need to mess around with.
I have tried Original, Vanilla, Berry and Unflavoured and none of them are to my taste straight out of the bag.
My favourite ‘home-blend’ has been 1/3 Original 1/3 Vanilla 1/3 Unflavoured and 1 tsp mint choc flavour system.
The pre-mixed mint choc powder is great, as it is, straight out the bag.
I mixed it exactly as I was told to on the packet: 3 scoops to 400ml water, blend, then add another 200ml water. I refridgerated it for a couple of hours.
Very nice indeed.
I would say the flavour isn’t quite as strong as I’m used to (I tend to use more than the ‘recommended amount’ of the flavour boost). And would like the mint choc flavour to be a bit more intense. I might possibly tip the remainder of my flavour booster bag into the Pre-mix (maybe).
But, it isnt too sweet, as I feared. And it really is good just as it is.
If anyone would like me to do a taste test for them, I am happy to oblige and compare the pre-mix to their usual mint choc recipe! i.e tell me what flavour powder you use, how many scoops (or grams), how much water you add, and how much mint choc flavour you add. And whether you refridgerate or not. I will compare side by side with the pre-mix mint, and let you know if the pre-mix is sweeter, less flavour, more flavour etc etc
Or just grab yourself a bag and try it. I think its YUM
It’s not overwhelmingly minty. Its really nice. It’s not intense at all. I think I like it a little more intensely minty personally. I think you will probably like it. The chocolate and the mint is well balanced.
Its very nice indeed. There’s nothing to dislike about it, I’d say.
I guess I’d like it to be WOW. But its actually mmmmm yum tasty. I think if the flavour was more intense it would probably be a bit much by the time you got half way through. I think they’ve got it about spot on.
DPD arrived about 15 mins ago with my order. First Mint-Choc shake quickly made up and is sitting in the fridge for later. I had a little taste and…hmmm, not too sure May feel differently once it’s had chance to chill a little.
I hated the sweet vanilla and original on their own. Far too sweet for me. The mint choc is awesome though. If you like mint choc I’m sure you will like it.