My Fitness Pal - Let’s Connect

Hello! I’m wondering if anyone doing weight loss with Huel wants to join up on My Fitness Pal as I have no friends… ha ha! (That are using the app)

I need to feel accountability and we can keep eyes on each other! :slight_smile:

My user name is elfysmenelfy

Thanks :sparkling_heart:

Request sent :grinning:

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How do you send a request using Username? Am I a noob? :frowning:

@GTIPuG click More -> friends -> click the plus sign then you get this:


Oh interesting - The username option is just “Email” on Android, hence I skimmed over it.

I see it on my iPhone though, bizarre.

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Hmm yes thats strange, would’ve thought they had the same options… maybe it’s just the layout that differs, so if I had an android I’d test it by typing in the username in the email field (but I’m strange like that I know :joy:)


I’m DJBenson on MFP if anybody wants to hook up :blush:

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Hey, I send an invite to elfysmenelfy and DJBenson. If someone wants to add me: I’m DvdVgt in MFP as well.

Btw, there is also a MFP community with messages of people who are searching for friends. If you want you can add those people too.


Lol it will be dating websites next :heart_eyes::heart_eyes::heart_eyes:

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