Just thought id introduce myself. Im new to Huel and just started using it Today. So far so good, ordered a mixture of flavours and boosters for the next few months. Only tried using milk so far to ease me into it but will try water at some point.
My reason for using Huel is that a year after my Dad passed away i started having no end of gastro issues, even before i was never quite right, tired and lethargic and never going properly.
In Feb 2018 - July 2018 i had no ends of tests done, mostly CT scan, ultrasounds, blood tests etc and fecal cal protectin tests which measures leves of irritation in the bowels, and every test i had done came back all clear which was a relief. Yet for the rest of 2018 i continued to suffer with bowel issues, bloating, wind, abdominal pressure etc. After a while the doc pretty much said to me that as things stand, all we can do is diagnose you with IBS, ie i had no markers or symptoms that would suggest anything untoward, but this diagnosis did not surprise me given the death of my father but also the stress of being on my own, with a stressful job making poor diet choices at times.
Now strangely i had a flare up in Jan 2019 but from feb 2019 - Oct 2019 i had no flare ups and no issues at all, even going back to eating all the wrong foods again sadly, until in Oct i started experiencing IBS pains again. Again i went back to the docs and got checked out and everything checked out fine.
So the reason for me being here and trying Huel (after finding out about it from some others guys at work trying it) is not only for weight loss but also to try and follow a low FODMAP diet which i would struggle to do otherwise and Huel looks like a good solution to this.
I wouldnt wish IBS upon anyone at all, the cycle of being stressed about my health, job, life then further accelerates the IBS causing more problems. Im looking forward to seeing how Huel can help me and how it can provide relief hopefully in times of a flare up. Theory being that not only is it low FODMAP but also Huel means your bowel / colon is having to do less work and can rest somewhat ?
The one thing i have found that seems to be a major irritant during a flare up is coffee, yet at other times i can drink coffee without issue. Im curious, as i scour the forums looking for ibs threads, if any other ibs sufferers have any advice or tips and tricks using Huel ?
Thanks for reading