NEW Huel Essential Powder for just £1 a meal!

Yes it is!

Me in the office tomorrow
giphy (3)

The other stuff isn’t essential (pardon the pun), Huel Essential is a stripped back version of our powder focussing on price.

@Coup answered this really well, it’s the oats that mean Essential isn’t gluten-free, we can’t guarantee it’s trace amounts as it’s not something that is monitored and controlled with with Huel Powder v3.0 Gluten-Free.

The t-shirt isn’t essential (pun not pardoned this time) so the Huel Essential starter kit includes the Shaker, Scoops and Starter Booklet which helps keep the price low. The t-shirt will still be included in the other product lines.

I understand your disappointment Luca but a range of flavours isn’t essential (I’ll see myself out at this point) and keeping the range small helps with costs.