What’s the weight for a single tub?
it’s stated as 754g
Having tasted A LOT of animal and plant-based protein sources I can confidently say this is the best I’ve tasted.
Yeap all flavours are gluten-free!
Exactly Callum, for me it’s the perfect use for Complete Protein!
It’s a good question Tony. There are a lot of factors to balance so v3.0 and Black Edition aren’t going to be delivered in tubs in the near future. Also, remember reduce comes before recycle and that’s exactly what the current pouches do in terms of packaging and food waste.
The great thing about Complete Protein is you know if you’re adding it to v3.0 or Black Edition you’re still getting complete nutrition rather than just adding protein on top of your breakfast Huel.
Thanks for your feedback Matt!
Sorry, we’ll get that on site ASAP! For now, check out the below table, I’ve put it into grams for easy comparison.
How is this even possible?
Did you ordered? WTF
Also, why are you not using the pouches?
@Tim_Huel I think there is something wrong with the macro split legend on this page. It reads ‘Carbohydrates, Protein, Fat, Fibre’ and I think it should be ‘Carbohydrates, Fat, Protein, Fibre’.
Thanks for spotting Edward, you’re absolutely right.
I’ve let our content team know. They’re currently working on getting Complete Protein live but it’s on their list to fix.
People who already tried this, is it good for hunger? For me this looks like bodybuilding protein powder, I never considered those as food or snacks as I never really did bodybuilding.
I would only be using this as a snack (against hunger). Would it make you as full as let’s say 200 calories of Huel?
And what about sweetness? Is it as sweet as Huel Powder? I’m still on 2.3 (do not want to try 3.0) and the only way I’m able to eat that is at 50-50 original-unsweetened. So I guess I’d have to do the same thing here, right?
Regarding the packaging. I like the idea that this is different than the usual Huel bag. I hate those as I can’t close them well. For Huel powder it’s acceptable as you don’t need to shake the bag, but for Hot and Savoury those are a horror. I’m considering not ordering any more H&S as long as they don’t come in a more usable packaging.
What about something like this? This is the best I’ve seen yet. I only had these on small packages but I’m sure it would work on Huel-size as well:
that looks like Velcro’s Press-Lok - it’s been around a while and they did different ones for different kinds of packs (this is one of the smallest options that would not be suitable for large bags or powders) but it looks like it has been discontinued.
Here in Germany I still see it from time to time, so it’s probably in production somewhere. It’s really easy to close and seems to be quite stable. It has these small grooves below and above the press lock, that keeps powder from coming out should the press-lock not close well enough. This in the image is some ginger powder and it closes perfectly.
Thank you very much to all at Huel for the delivery received today. I look forward to trying the Chocolate and Strawberry powders in my new Huel shakers
To return the act of kindness, I have 2 spare brand new Huel shakers that I would be happy to send to any Hueligans for free. If anyone would like a free shaker, just send me a private message and I’ll get back in contact to exchange details.
Hi, I hope this message finds you well. If you still have one of the shakers left, I’d be interested thanks. Scott.
Love the idea of huel protein however its a shame u cant just buy one tub along with one tub of one bag of huel powder
Well this is just lovely! Thanks so much Daniel
For anyone receiving their Complete Protein today please let us know how it is!
One note that you might not initially spot, which is different to Huel Black/v3.0, the storage instructions recommend to consume within 30 minutes and rinse the shaker after. So not so good for leaving overnight!
Thanks for the heads up on this Tim. I have one made up last night and in the fridge right now. I’ll still give it a go though
Really enjoyed the chocolate fudge flavour. The texture was very similar to RTD, yet made in the funky new shaker bottle. I’ve always used my Nutribullet to blend in the past so this was really simple to just shake up and consume
Huel have got these protein drinks bang on. Congrats
Is there a reason for this? If I were to add it to a regular white Huel for example, I’d definitely want to refrigerate overnight.
The colour fades significantly and we believe it’s the amino acid flavours that start to come through a bit more strongly. It’s not rancid/hasn’t ‘gone off’ - the nutritionals aren’t affected, but just the organoleptic experience is just significantly reduced.
Hmmm this sounds a bit naughty to me, Tim
They have arrived! First impressions - they smell sweet. Really sweet!
Not long had a Huel Black so holding off on trying just yet but will be my afternoon snack for sure. Probably Vanilla today
Quite! mind you, I like an organoleptic experience on a wet Wednesday.