New to Huel | Dental surgery

Hello. I tried Huel a couple of years back and wasn’t convinced for some reason, although I liked the taste. However, I’m having dental surgery next week and thought I’d give it another go as I won’t be able to chew. I started using it a few days ago to allow my stomach to get used to it before an enforced 80-100% Huel diet for a bit.

I love it! I’m finding it really filling, and the Chocolate Mint flavour is great. It’s also just as great mixed 50/50 with New Vanilla. I’ve had no stomach issues, feel really energised as I’m finding it a great way to keep calories down.

My job is food-related and I have to eat out a lot, and I think this will be a great antidote to that, with the added bonus of helping me shed a few pounds (I need to lose about 20lb).

So yes, that’s it. Just thought I’d introduce myself. I’m recovering from my operation at my mum’s house so will need to give her Huel-making instructions - I’m not sure what she’ll make of it.


Not sure what surgery you had … BUT I had a similar operation in May and 2 weeks of liquid food only helped my introduction into Huel
Recovery was quick and despite the initial pain I experienced … I am fully recovered and the result is great :+1:

I’m still having 2 meals of Huel per day plus a proper cooked meal

Huel is now part of my life, and I am thankful that Huel helped me through my 2 weeks after surgery and has helped me lose weight and feel much better since the operation date

Good luck with yours and within a few months you will forget the pain you went through :scream:


Thank you! I’m having an impacted lower wisdom tooth extracted - it’s next week. :cry:
Great to hear Huel was a help to you.

I had 4 teeth removed (front 4 !.. already had 2 middle lower missing !) … 4 instant load long metal implants installed (not quite as instant as you think !)
And 2 weeks later my 7 teeth, set in place …

Now I can enjoy the results … I had 2 weeks looking like Jaws from 007 !!

Thanks to Huel … I didn’t starve !!


Wow, that puts my extraction into perspective!


This was after the op !

Good luck with yours

HI! Lovely to meet you :blush: So pleased you’re lovely the mint-choc, so are we (that reminds me, I’m hungry). If you have any questions along the way don’t hesitate to search the forum for answers!

Thanks @Tim_Huel!

Well, I’ve had my op and I’m sipping some mint chocolate Huel. What a lifesaver - I was so hungry! Fortunately my op wasn’t as major as yours, @Dln1965, but it still bloody hurts!


Glad you’re through the op and enjoying Huel :+1::grinning:

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Great to hear you aren’t suffering (too much)
Huel is indeed a lifesaver when on a liquid only intake … @JamesCollier , this could be an ideal application in hospitals etc etc (where’s my % share for this suggestion)


Hi @Dln1965

We have indeed looked into this, but getting something into the NHS is massively hard work and takes a long time. (Your % share will be very dilute as you’re far from the first to suggest this :wink: )