Newbie here. Managed to pack on unwanted weight after surgery. No phys for next six weeks. And when bored I will eat. So thought I’d try Huel to help manage my calorie intake, and limit the damage of six weeks sitting on my bum.
I’m armed with a few weeks worth of vanilla and banana powder, a calorie target, and determination.
Shaky start to day 1 when that first shake hit my mouth. Honking. Something about the grainy taste, . But have preblitzed a lunchtime shake, added some
Ice and stuck it in the fridge. I will see it through, but any newbie tips for adding flavour?
That’s definitely a good idea. Flavour is difficult as everyone’s tastes are unique; I like marmite and vimto flavoured Huel, others like Branston pickle Huel. If you stick flavour in the search field you will find loads of suggestions that are a bit less left field.
Personally I don’t get the grainy taste, but it was partly what initially put me off trying Huel as some protein powders have that problem, and I thought Huel would be like them.
First of all Marmite & Vimto?! Can you elaborate on this magical concoction? It would be great to hear some other ideas of yours @hunzas
Hey welcome @Fillymouskwitz Awesome to hear Huel is going to be helping you regain control over you calorie intake! I too concur that Banana flavour is totally delicious (Top Tip ~ add a frozen banana to your banana powder for banana craziness!)
As you’re just starting out, it’s recommended to check out the flavour boosts Huel provide. Here’s a link to the selection pack - Huel Natural Flavour Boost 10 Taster Pack. Then you can choose a larger pack(s) of your favourite flavour from the Huel Natural Flavour Boosts if you so wish.
Check out the #recipes category too as there are some nice suggestions on there.
A basic rule of thumb is to imagine your favourite foods and whack them in a blender to create your ideal Huel smoothie.
Yes. 2 tablespoons of marmite, preferably XO, a 330ml can of vimto, chilled, 170ml of hazelnut milk and 100g of banana Huel. Stick it in a blender and then leave in a hot car for 24 hours to start fizzing.
I use Aldo’s own brand of vimto called Vomit (clever marketing there if compared to Colon the caterpillar.)
One of my faves is 14oz almond milk, 3-4oz mango/orange juice, 2 scoops chocolate Huel.
Fast. Simple. Good.
Another fave, takes a little prep, is 1 1/2 cups almond milk, 1 brown egg, 4 lrg strawberries, handful of blueberries, 1 banana, handful of spinach, 1 scoop vanilla Huel, 1 scoop berry Huel.