Weighed in at 85.0kg today.
Day eleven done.
No issues, had plenty of energy for cardio at lunch. Finished up another two bags yesterday.
Leg day was a killer!
10X10 Back squats with 55kg on the olympic bar.
10X4 Pull ups
No toilet time today.
Day twelve done.
No issues with Huel, amazed at how much energy I have, a couple of people have also commented on this.
Slept well.
Toilet time… still continuing with my one day on, one day off basis.
Day Thirteen done.
No issues with hunger, had a decent cardio session just before lunch. I am well into my second to last bag, I just hope I’ve left enough for me to have breakfast for the rest of the trip.
Managed to bust out 10 pull ups with good form right after my cardio session, this is a new PB for me, so I am pretty pleased with it!
Had a decent Chest session in the gym, decided to go heavy with the Dumbbells.
Flat Dumbbell Press 2X15, 3X8, 3X5
Incline Dumbbell Press 2X15, 5X8
Decline Push Ups - 10x10
Cable Flys - 5X10
No toilet time today.
Slept well.
Day fourteen done. No issues with hunger.
Toilet time settled down today, something I would consider normal.
Sadly, that’s as far as I am going to be able to go with the 100% Huel diet. I’m in two minds about going back into the galley, I was genuinely satisfied with the Huel diet, I’ve had enough energy to continue with quite an intensive gym routine along with working a 12 hour shift on a daily basis. It also makes tracking calories so easy and simple.
I definitely think Huel will play a bigger part in my working diet moving forward, I am probably also going to look into having a bag with my when I go travelling as I feel that’s where I am more likely to unknowingly slip into a large calorie deficit. Not quite sure how that’s going to work as I like to stay pretty mobile and usually avoid checking a bag if I can get away with it.
I am looking forward to eating some solid food, I just hope I can continue with the progress I’ve made in the last two weeks.
Thanks to you guys for your input I really appreciate it!
Day fifteen done.
Going back into the galley was a mixed experience. I enjoyed having some solid food to eat, but… the quality of the food is questionable, the cooked vegetables are basically grey mush by serving time and typically the salads are pre-mixed with mayonnaise making them unsuitable.
I had a rice dish last night, and it was probably the saltiest thing I have ever eaten, I woke up at 0300 with a the worst case of dry mouth. The real kicker is that the chef cooked the rice dish especially for me, I am the only vegan (or vegetarian) on a platform with 200 people on it.
Hopefully things will improve!
Good luck!
Blimey that sounds horrific…and it isn’t as though you have the choice to go anywhere else to get a meal…I hate mushy veg and over salted food. Feel for you.