Original Flavour Huel is Back!

Haha, do you mean Unflavoured & Unsweetened? Can’t help but think back to our chat about Ray Holt, “Original No Flavour and Whole Wheat No Flavour” :laughing:

Vanilla - Vanilla flavoured Huel, light natural flavour, not to sweet but not bland.
Original - much more sweet, much less Vanillary, more oaty and a little malty. Original refers to it being the first flavour we had, not the flavour profile.
Unflavoured - as it says, no flavour, no sweetness apart from the whole ingredients.

That’s why we’ve got the explainer below the flavour!

@airiartev I think you’ve recapped the differences well with the quotes from other threads, but the only problem was the difficulty of matching Original but only using natural flavours.


As we used to say at my old firm “same same but different”


So is flavouring and sweetener used to give Original its “natural oaty taste”? :exploding_head:

The malty taste for sure, but the oaty taste is from the oats! Original is sweet, and less vanilla-ry so the oaty flavour is masked less than with Vanilla Huel.


this is why I like it.

Sorry for asking what might be a dumb question @Tim_Huel but what does the ‘G’ stand for in the O.G. is back?


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:laughing:Thanks @Jem Should have tried urban dictionary as I usually do :woman_facepalming:t2:


I’ve seen Ice-T play live several times with BodyCount. Charming band with some quite controversial lyrics and liberal use of the word Mother*****r.

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Being “a little behind” these silly phrases is actually a compliment!

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Hi @Bee I’m glad you asked because like you I would never have known what it meant either. :crazy_face:


Lol good to know I’m not alone :grin:

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Bunch of squares.

That’s a smashing band, old fruit! They love the good old boys in blue.

It’s quite bizarre that T now plays a cop in a TV show.

Yeah, they always play Cop Killer live. I’ve not seen the Law and Order show. I like the anti-vegan sentiment of their last album.

Just had my first Original V3 shake and I am pleased to say that if I hadn’t been aware that it had changed then I doubt I would have known.

That is pretty much what I wanted as I have been happy on the Original for a couple of years now so was concerned if the flavour had not been continued.


That’s good to hear.

YAY! Just ordered the O.G


Very disappointed as it nowhere tastes like the v2.3 original which was my favorite powder ever

That 3 original has a watery super sucralosed taste with oats in background

It was advertised as tasting the same as the 2.3 but this is absolutely not the case (I still have 2.3 and have compared)
I would advise you not to say this to avoid disappointments

Going back to JJ :frowning:
Except for the bars, I like huel bars

Really pleased to hear you like the new v3.0!

Sorry that you aren’t a fan of the new v3.0. We’ve worked so hard on it within the boundaries of v3.0. We knew it wasn’t 100% the same in taste, but it was as close as we could. The texture has changed between v2.3 and v3.0 so I would try and separate taste from texture when you assess v3.0 Original, as yes the texture will be slightly different and in line with the texture of v3.0. Although I totally realise that taste and texture perceptions often go hand in hand, so that’s easier said than done.

Do let us know what the rest of you think.

I have tried them side by side (v2.3 Original next to v3.0 Original). Admittedly, side by side you can taste they’re not identical. HOWEVER, now that my stock of 2.3 is gone, I’m drinking 3.0 and I can’t for the life of me remember how it was different. Really takes me back to the early days of original Huel