Plans for 2025?

Are you planning to add new products or flavours?
In the last time you only discontinued various ones.

If there will be no flavours: For which products?

Or are you going to reduce the product lines even more?

lol to this thread

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Straight in aye @mbs!

I mean we always have cards on the table some of which have not been removed or shown yet so you’ll have to watch this space!

Anything you’d like to see?

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  • More black edition RTD flavours
  • Protein Shake RTDs
  • More gluten-free flavours again


Thanks for the suggestions :heart:

an idea: how about rolling out the loyalty-o-meter on the website? I saw the refresh, it’s amazing, just missing that part :slight_smile:

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What about some sort of cereal, a granola or something? :ninja:


Oh that’s a great idea!

But don’t call it granola, or people will expect a low price and it’ll fail and get axed, breaking the hearts of at least three people.

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There has been something like that some years ago, but they discontinued it, as well as the flavour additions (some of them were really good). So many things have been discontinued although many customers seemed to like it.

Just a vocal minority. Most thought they were pish.

I wonder if I’m the only person who was 100% granola for a while. Not 100% 100% because you had to add milk, but all my meals were granola for a couple of months.

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Granola with Huel (made with milk) was pretty lit.

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Granola is like a trigger word in the office for certain people so if it was something we do in the future…we’d have to name it something completely different haha!

Do you plan on getting a sense of humour for 2025?

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A caramel flavoured sense of humour I expect

I really want to see some non wheat based H&S. Every new H@S has been pasta/noodles :frowning: