Poor Packaging

Thanks Phil. Wonderful for you to share the complexity around this. Not much for me to add. Just to say that pouches and tubs both have their pros and cons across many areas like functionality, carbon footprint, cost and personal preference. There is no perfect packaging solution but it’s an area we have more people working on as we become a bigger business, like our in-house technical, procurement and sustainability teams.


Thanks. Much appreciated.

Lol… great post…

Hey James! I’ve definitely noticed that it is much easier to seal up my BE Huel compared to before when there had been powder getting caught up in the sealer. I haven’t had many issues with the powder since so feel the progression on this matter is expanding further afield :ok_hand:t2: :grin:

I first posted my 'query’about packaging back in November last year and despite reading about new package sealer I’ve seen no change yet.
Anyone else seen the new packs and if so why haven’t I?
Hope all you hueligans are staying safe and well

i’m pretty sure its caused by the bags being knocked around in shipping, causing them to burst open a llttle. i had one that was actually burst at the top with a pinhole opening, before i ripped the bag open, leaving a small powdery mess. Few hard flicks and the ziploc seal was working as intended.

Hey there, so the new seal for Black Edition pouches was confirmed in April but likely hasn’t come into circulation yet due to run rate and getting through stock - it will be a steady process as we get through different flavours at different rates. The new zipper is basically very similar to the Hot & Savoury zipper. Don’t worry it’s on it’s way!

Great news, now all I need is a Huel t-shirt size 4X (physical disability issues)
Cheers :mask::dog2::dog2::dog2:


Sorry for bringing this old topic to life but didn’t think I needed to start a new one when there was one already on the same subject. I have to admit that normally DPD have been great and the packaging has held up however, today’s delivery the box was crushed and hanging open only held together by a DPD tape to seal it back together.

My guess is the box wasn’t strong enough for the contents and/or DPD crushed it under other boxes.
The driver was good, asked me to open it to make sure everything was there which it was.

This sounds like it could’ve been damaged during transit, I do apologise about this! please contact us at team@huel.com so we can raise a complaint and replace any items that have been damaged :pray:

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Nothing was damaged inside the box so I don’t feel I need to raise a complaint. Just awareness!

I’m pleased to hear it Martyn, no pressure if you don’t want to! but it’s really helpful for us to log these incidents so we can log them on our system to ensure we’re accurately catching packaging issues for improvements.

Thanks Charlotte, happy to send on in the future.

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