Samples of new products

Hey Matt, yup we’re here and join in conversations on the forum daily. We talk about samples a fair amount, do use the search bar top right and you can find a number of conversations we’ve had about samples.

In short we do not offer samples. Products like Bars and RTD which are in single serving packages are easy for us to offer samples and you can add one or more on to an existing order at checkout or within your account area. We aren’t looking to introduce single serving portions of H&S, Black Edition or v3.0. Huel isn’t something people generally try once and love it straight away, it’s something that needs to be built into people’s routines to find the full benefit of Huel. It’s also not that simple to make Huel first time, although we work very hard to make it simpler. So even 3 single serve samples hasn’t in the past helped.

I hope that makes sense, although I realise it doesn’t help you out. Fire back any questions, or search the old threads for more info!

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