Saved from starvation

(I know I know :woman_facepalming:t3::see_no_evil::roll_eyes:)

How do you eat and drink when you are recovering from shoulder surgery then break your foot?!
Can’t use crutches (only one arm!) so I’m hopping around my flat. Can’t really hop with a mug or plate of food can I?!
Saved by Huel. Again :+1:t2:

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damn! thats like a perfect storm of bad luck - but glad you’re still getting your nutrition at least. hope you are back on the mend asap.

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How on earth did that happen…? :hushed:

Go on, you’re just gonna have to tell us what happened :grimacing: :roll_eyes: :heart:

In this situation I can see Huel becoming the optimum food for recovery especially if you require a specific amount of calories to maintain fitness.

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Poor you! On the plus side, you won’t need to shake the huel up much because just hopping across your room to the sofa should mix it as you go. Time & motion etc :innocent:


:rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl: this is so true!
I can save some energy now and just mix as I hop :smile:

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Ouchy. Is your shoulder still seriously knackered then?

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Nah it’s healing ok - just not fully strong yet and using crutches forces the joint in a forwards direction with all the weight of the body on it. It will re-dislocate. It’s really not worth the risk!
So hopping it is.
My left leg is gonna be huge with muscle :laughing::laughing::laughing::laughing:

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It was really nothing dramatic or exciting or adventurous. Which makes it all the more annoying!
I was doing DIY and simply stepped down off the window ledge and landed funny :confounded:

Christinaaa, what are you like. Such a tough run of luck, get well soon. Glad you’ve got some Huel to help keep you alive :joy: but who knows maybe all those vitamins and minerals will help too!

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All it takes. I’m amazed I haven’t broken any bones in my feet (or wrists) before now. Added to your existing shoulder problems, what rotten luck :grimacing: Get well soon doesn’t seem to be an option so all I can say is hope the time passes quickly and the pain killers work. Agree though, thank goodness for Huel!

Here, have some virtual chocolate :chocolate_bar: :chocolate_bar: :chocolate_bar: and a bunch of flowers :bouquet:

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I used Huel loads in the first couple of months of shoulder surgery recovery back in December, but then I was enjoying cooking (and eating chocolate :face_with_hand_over_mouth::laughing:) so much during lockdown, my Huel stash got neglected.
I was totally slack about ensuring I got all my nutrition from March to September. My latest blood results showed deficiencies.
Could be why I broke a bone so easily :woman_shrugging:t2:
Last time it took a dramatic flip through the air from a great height to break me!
From now on I’m Huelling every day again!

I’m terrible at tracking calories, I just can’t do it. Trying to count them makes me all anxious for some reason! Then I eat cake to feel better :rofl:

Huel is great recovery food though. It helped me loads last time. The convenience is a big factor: cooking a meal when in pain just takes all my energy and then I lose my appetite and can’t eat. Huel is also easily transported whilst hopping so another bonus there :crazy_face:

A nightmare. That’s what she’s like :stuck_out_tongue:

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I don’t calorie count as this has never bothered me regarding my fitness and exercise goals. I concur with you from a recovery perspective and about convenience which was my main motivation in using Huel at work (and my fitness, as this is holistic to myself). Best wishes for your recovery.