Saw this on reddit, dont recognise the packaging?

Thanks for the feedback Simon. What do you mean by the above?

  1. You are signed up to emails and haven’t received any information about signing up for early access? (If this is the case then that makes sense, we haven’t emailed people about early access because they’re going to be emailed anyway)
  2. You’re signed up to emails but didn’t receive any emails about the event (if this is what you meant then not everyone signed up to emails received an invite, as per my points above about COVID-19, however I’ve asked the team to check the database for you and I believe you were sent the event invite and I think you opened it too, according to what that system says)
  3. You’re signed up to emails and haven’t received any emails about Huel Hot & Savoury (if this is what you meant then that’s great because we haven’t sent anything other than teasers)

As I’ve mentioned above this is all build up for the launch, there is nothing on the site because we haven’t launched it yet!

Hope that all makes sense!

Same here. I don’t get the newsletter so I don’t mind missing out on that information, but it seems like an oversight to tease an upcoming product all over social media, except on the social media Huel owns and runs (this forum). There have been a few posts before now, but only as responses to “I’ve seen this blurry screenshot, what’s going on?”

Well… the sugar percentage should be explained. Its quite high…

@airiartev It’s between 30% and 55% of the RI for 2,000 KCal.

That’s probably lower than most non-Huel diets, and if you want something healthier, you always have the Huel 3.0 Powder.

To compare, 2,000 KCal of Huel Bars will have 80% of the RI for sugar, so Huel Hot & Savoury is much healthier than Huel Bars.

I personally love the idea to have multiple options, so you don’t get bored of sweet meals (that Huel Powder/Huel Bars/Huel RTD provide).


I’m definitely going to try these. I use huel black as well as a “normal” dinner, these could be interesting for days when I can’t be bothered to cook or in winter when the thought of a cold shake is unbearable!

The sugar content just shocked me, but as you say compared to a non-huel diet it is very healthy.

A pot noodle has 6.1g of sugar per serving, but a lot more carbs overall. But it also lacks all the nutrients packed into huel!

The GI is more important than the sugar. Fruit have a lot of sugar, but overall can be considered healthy because of everything else that it has.


I just ate an apple and ~16% of the calories are sugar but it was definitely healthy…

If you completely avoid sugars and also a wide variety of fruits/vegetables because they contain sugar then your diet will be very unhealthy.

Yep, that one! So looking on Facebook, I can see that the ‘Don’t Miss Out’ / early access idea was communicated there at least a week ago. So the question is, did Huel mean to exclude from early access everyone who doesn’t use Facebook? I think all that was really needed was for the “Spoon + Huel = ?” email on 01-Sep to contain the same “first product access… /dont-miss-out” info as the 01-Sep Facebook post.

I did get an invitation, I appreciated that but couldn’t go (I’m still in a lockdown area).

I hear you. Maybe you should do a video making something utterly ridiculous like was discussed over in Freakshake Huel?. Purely as parody of course, a “what not to do with Huel” kind of thing.

It would definitely have been nice to have a pinned announcement post published at the same time as the SOHO event with info on how to get early access but that’s not really bothered me all that much. When you talk about your most engaged/loyal customers though… you must know that’s us here on the forum not all the rando’s on Facebook?

I totally get it though. The marketing potential of doing a competition on Facebook far eclipses anything you could do on here, but all the same it would be nice if on the day of the VIP event someone like @ChristinaT or @hunzas had posted on here saying “holy cow, just got this in the mail”. But I also know that kind of activity doesn’t really lead to much ROI beyond making regular customers feel special.


Not all fruit :wink:

It’s the sugar to fibre ratio of foods that counts. Soluble fibre slows down the digestion rate of other nutrients, including carbs, which means you’ll mostly avoid sharp spikes in blood sugar. High sugar and low fibre is the enemy and as I understand it an amazing whole food low GI diet would be around 1:1 sugar to fibre, but a 5:1 ratio of sugar to fibre is still considered healthy in more accessible diets that won’t make you miserable.

So, apples…

Your typical medium apple will have around 19g of sugar and 4.4 grams of fibre, a ratio of about 4:1 sugar to fibre, which is definitely healthy.

Mango’s on the other hand have around 46g’s sugar and 5g fibre or a 9:1 ratio, so aren’t so good.

Want to be freaked out…? The average US diet supposedly has 12:1 ratio :face_vomiting:


Just checked my Cronometer entry today, and was about to congratulate myself on a 0.6:1 ratio of sugar to fibre. Then I noticed I’ve had almost 89g of fibre today. Umm, there might be such a thing as too much of a good thing…

As for the amount of sugar in Huel Hot & Savoury, it doesn’t seem high in absolute terms. 2000 calories would be about 55g. Also doesn’t seem like it’s added sugar, it’s likely more due to things like quinoa being ~6 times higher in sugar than oats.

If the price of the Tomato herb is okay or similar to 3.0 I will definitely try and post my opinion as someone that is sentitive to sugar and tries to avoid it.

Do you have an idea of how much sugar/day you generally have or aim for? Total vs added would be interesting too. I seem to get 50–70g/day, ~0 of it added sugar, about half from fruit and half from vegetables. I didn’t think this was high.

I cant give you a number but is very very low. Probably the only sugar I have from the whole milk, aprox 150ml per day or from my daily small piece of dark chocolate (70-100% is my range of my chocolate bars), the tomato sauce (5% added sugar) and the Huel UU… The rest of my diet is without sugar or added sugar.

My sugar intake is low, very low. But I enjoy making myself a brownie, a carrot cake, restaurant desserts etc… but that is maybe 1 time per week

Waiting patiently to be able to buy hot & savoury…!


It’s naturally occurring from the tomatoes. It’s not an issue, don’t worry.


Not just me who is constantly refreshing then?!


I think we’ll be notified via email, but I have to admit I’m also looking forward for it :grinning:

The registration link is no longer active, so I hope we’ll hear back soon from them.

Seems like it’s gonna be Green Thai Curry and Herb & Tomato: