Say hello to 2 new flavours of Daily A-Z Vitamins!

154 health benefits. 2 fresh NEW flavours.
Hueligans, we’re bringing you 2 more flavours of our best-selling Huel Daily A-Z Vitamins – Watermelon :watermelon: and Pineapple & Mango :pineapple:
Bursting with freshness, Watermelon is a taste of the sweet life. (Alexa, play Harry Styles).
Pineapple & Mango is packed full of tropical flavour – ready to transport your tastebuds to paradise.
Oh, and don’t forget the nutrition: 26 vitamins and minerals, essential electrolytes, and 100mg natural caffeine. It’s still the most comprehensive vitamin drink around and the easiest daily habit to make in 2024.
:star: 26 vitamins & minerals
:star: 154 science-backed health benefits (Is Huel Healthy? Discover the Health Benefits of Huel)
:star: 30kcal
:star: Low sugar

:star: Made with real fruit
:star: 100mg natural caffeine
Get yours here:


Watermelon sounds like a good option (as a vodka mixer) :slight_smile:


Ohhhhyessssssss!! Been waiting for these for a long time. Perfect choice of new flavours :pineapple: :watermelon: I had a Cherry & Raspberry can every day since Aug until Daily Greens was released, now I’m torn between them :rofl:

@amie_huel please can you let me know if the caffeine-free versions are being added too? Was going to add boxes of both new flavours to my next subscription, but noticed there’s no caffeine-free version for either flavour :cry:

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The Cherry & Raspberry one was really nice with rum, albeit defeating the purpose of the product :laughing: I imagine these 2 new flavours would be even better!

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I tried to look at it as diminishing the guilt rather than defeating the purpose :slight_smile:

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Ha ha good perspective. Maybe one day Huel will release Ready To Drunk – nutritionally complete alcohol that provides enough goodness to diminish the negatives :smirk:


Waiting for Europe launch!! I definitely will try it!


Following the launch of Cherry & Raspberry, we’ve found that the caffeinated version of these cans has proved far more popular amongst our Hueligans than the caffeine-free version, which is why we’ve put our focus on expanding the caffeinated flavours as a priority.

Thanks for letting me know. I have to say while I understand the data driven angle, it’s quite disappointing. Some family and friends who use caffeine-free A-Z frequently for work, holidays, pick-me-ups, etc either avoid caffeine or can’t have it (e.g. allergies, heart condition, avoiding unnecessary caffeine doses, etc), and have been asking for flavours like this for a long time – they and myself would have loved them. The A-Z product itself is amazing and simply doesn’t need extra caffeine on top to reap benefits of energy and nutrition. A shame IMO.

Is it a matter of it being in the pipeline for release at some point, or will there not be caffeine-free versions of any new flavours going forward?


I went with non caffeine version as felt like i had a few coffees in the day and didnt really need any more.

Quality product id say and cant imagine the taste is any different.

Happy to just stick to the cherry one anyway as only order a few single cans with my order.

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That’s exactly it. Have tried both versions myself multiple times and they taste the same, while feeling no difference regardless of which one was consumed. So while I don’t drink coffee, I personally always went with caffeine-free as there’s no point putting extra caffeine in my body every day when we can reap all the A-Z benefits and taste without it.


You know we never give away anything in the pipeline, I will share your feedback on wanting to see the non-caff versions offered in the new flavours.

Thanks Amie :slight_smile: I’ll be first in line!

Curious how the data would look if in a parallel universe, Huel had released Daily A-Z without caffeine originally (and without any mention of it). I wonder how many people buy it just because it’s something extra for the same price without thinking much about the decision, and how many buy it specifically because they absolutely want caffeine. I’ve given the caffeine-free cans to so many people now, all with amazing feedback and often saying it gives them energy boosts at work/gym, massively helps hangovers, etc.

I would imagine the drink could sell itself on all the vitamins, minerals and electrolytes alone. Perhaps surveying buyers on their reasonings and level of care for caffeine may be useful.

I actually bought both versions depending on whether I wanted a caffeine intake or not. While I don’t believe I am massively sensitive to caffeine I tend not to drink it in the evening. I do like coffee though and drink a couple of cups a day most days. Having said that when I do drink it later in the day, it doesn’t “appear to” affect my sleep patterns, but I’ve never scientifically measured it.

I’ve just bought the 2 new flavours, and had the option been available for one or other I would have probably gone for a box of caffeine and a box of non-caffeine.

Definitely share your thoughts on the flavours when they arrive!! Yeah that’s what I did at first, bought both versions, couldn’t taste or feel a difference, so just went with caffeine-free which provides a great energy pick-me-up by itself.

Of course, don’t have hard data, but seems like there’s a growing demographic of either caffeine-sensitive consumers or health-conscious consumers managing caffeine intake more, along with emerging markets of low/non caffeine products, so this limited option feels quite backward.

The sales of traditional coffee has definitely slowed (75% of Starbucks sales are now cold drinks for example) but caffeinated drinks sales are surging especially in the energy drinks market. There is a growing awareness related to the effects associated with caffeine, but consumers don’t seem to associate that with energy drinks and sodas for some reason.

That reinforces why I feel A-Z having caffeine seems quite pointless, especially now limiting flavours only to it.

The refreshing energy drink already delivers the energy hit well, being packed with vits, mins, electrolytes and fruity flavour. Would imagine that a significant amount of people would still buy it even if caffeine wasn’t included or mentioned anywhere, as it’s not a main selling point and I doubt the option of selecting caffeine is one that’s thought about much by customers.

Surging caffeinated drinks in the energy drinks market, doesn’t mean Huel needs to lock down their highly nutritious energy drink packed with energy already with an additional caffeine dose. It does the job perfectly without it, and IMO is actually a great selling point – competing with junk energy drinks that rely on caffeine for energy, when Huel does it in a healthier manner. Just my 2 cents.

Are these coming to the US?

I love the idea but I hardly drink the Cherry ones I already have. I think I have too many Huel products now :crazy_face:

Would love to try them though, can you add single cans to an existing order?

+1 for EU release
+1 for additional non-caff versions

Looking forward to it =)

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