I really hope someone at huel will reply. I have hashimotos and SIBO. I can’t have kelp as it sends my thyroid bonkers, I avoid pre and probiotics as their use in the treatment of sibo is controversial and my previous experiments have not been positive. Please please please tell me you are keeping the current powder available? I have huel for 2/3 my diet due to numerous gastrointestinal complications and it has changed my life! If I can’t have it anymore I don’t know what the hell I will do . Please don’t take huel away from me!
I also have Hashimoto but never did any reading on the effect of food on this, I just take my L-thyroxine and all is good. Can you elaborate on the effect of kelp on thyroid problems? I must admit I’m also worried about the new version.
Is it the high iodine content in kelp that is the issue? If so, if the iodine content in the v3 is the same as in the previous version, I wouldn’t suspect any problems?
They’ve just posted on the other thread that Original flavour will be kept at v2.3 recipe with no price increase. So you will be okay
Really good question, I’m not entirely sure but I will certainly be googling the heck out of it later and will let you know what I come up with. I think iodine in general must be approached with caution, although it is necessary for the conversion of T4 to T3, high levels put extra strain on the system and it can go either way. Maybe if the levels are low it won’t be a problem but it scares the bejezzus out of me following the terrible response I had to a kelp supplement which was TSH and antibodies through the roof.
I’m also really concerned about the pre and probiotics, as someone with gut bacteria issues I really don’t want to mess with it. I don’t know whether to try it and see if my body goes into total failure or sod off and drink miserable protein shakes, the latter would be depressing AF. I feel like I’ve just managed to solve a problem and now have to start all over. I wish I liked original but . I am so sad
You can mask the taste quite well with flavour boosts. I don’t like original much either but I’ve nearly finished a bag combined with the flavour boosts.
I don’t like original on its own, but in my opinion it is the one that works the best with the flavour boosts and I buy it for that reason - for a change (I normally have just UU)
Hi guys
I see your concern here, however, the amount of kelp added is only to provide a similar amount of iodine that’s in v2.3 powder which was provided by potassium iodide. The bioavailability should be similar; kelp is simply a natural version.
Unless there’s a specific reason why you’ve been advised not to include kelp. it could be that kelp is not advise in general because of it’s high iodine amount, which is our very motivation for using it.
If you have not previously had issues with iodine in Huel then there should be no issues with v3.0 including kelp.
I had a hunch he was the bloke with the face that rings a bell in Notredame
Thanks for the clarification! That’s also what I thought and I’m happy to see the iodine concentration is the same in the v3. I think thyroid problems linked to kelp intake is when people use supplements which contain a lot of iodine, thus affecting the thyroid gland. The iodine is the culprit, not the kelp.
@Kittykate81 When in doubt, don’t Google but ask your endocrinologist or doctor, I think they can provide all the answers you need.
I am also sad reading the addition of Kelp. I have a severe fish allergy, and need to avoid products with Kelp.
It looks like Kelp is being added to all the flavours, even U/U? I’d be very disappointed if I have to stop using Huel
It’s not being added to original (which will remain with the old formula) so you’ll be OK!
@Madeleine apparently Original will still be available as is.
I know you mean well re the Dr/endo comment but, as it goes, I have been poorly managed by both and have kept my own hashimotos under control for 20 years, I’m a shit hot Googler and no links to functional medicine in sight
Thanks for the reply @JamesCollier I’m hoping you are right, perhaps my previous bad experiences with kelp were due to the amount, fingers crossed because I really don’t want to lose huel. I have been googling the probiotic and it looks like it may be ok too but obviously every body is different and mine isn’t so much a delicate English rose as a tedious dandelion at the moment! I presume it will still be low fodmap and GI?
Why is this important though? I don’t understand this big switch to natural all of a sudden, it feels very marketing led.
I’m intrigued to know why, if the move is towards more natural ingredients, why cocoa powder is still used and not cacao? Cocoa is highly processed and stripped of most of its nutrients while cacao is nutrient dense and natural.
Use real raw undutched cacao in the chocolate flavour - please !
I thought it was the guy from The last samurai
This is a bit of an over simplification – technically the only difference between unsweetened cocoa powder and natural cacao powder is that the cocoa is roasted and ground whereas the cacao is cold pressed.
Both Cacao and Cocoa originate from the same source – the Theobroma Cacao Tree. For both cocoa and cacao - the harvested beans are fermented for a few days to develop a flavour then they are dried.
Sweetened cocoa powder goes through a process called dutching to make it less bitter and sweetener is added. You can also get unsweetened cocoa powder which has also been ‘dutched’ but this is no longer considered raw or natural. Roasting the beans also reduces its nutritional value - Raw cacao contains 126% more Iron, 149% more Magnesium and 136% more Potassium than unsweetened cocoa.
The chocolate premixed Huels already have RDI’s of 41% Potassium, 57% Iron and 35% magnesium per serving so the extra retained in cacao is not entirely necessary unless you are only having one Huel serving a day in which case, you should already be supplementing your diet with other foods to make up the nutritional shortfall.
Thanks for the detail - I agree with all of the above, but the point I’m making is why not use cacao as a natural source for these minerals, seeing as they are moving towards natural sources for other nutrients, and cacao is so much more nutrient dense than cocoa.
I’m not being entirely serious: of course I understand why not: I may love putting bitter raw cacao in every flavour of Huel but it’s not to everyone’s taste, and most people wouldn’t want a cacao based Huel.
Personally I would happily have cacao as a staple ingredient throughout the Huel range, but this would cause an outcry as lots of people don’t like the bitter flavour or want every huel to taste of chocolate, and / or wouldn’t want the caffeine content.
It would complicate the complete nutrition profile to have to adjust it for only chocolate flavour to allow for this increase in the nutrients cacao provides. So yes I do understand why they haven’t done this.
Still, personally I would buy it and be very happy if they used cacao across the range