Serious concerns about the additions to v3!

I would certainly be dead. @Dennis, tap water contains minerals in trace amounts that would kill you if they built up. Fruit pips even contain cyanide!


Gonna test that tonight after the exit poll.


I like my Huel like I like my tories. Kept in a fridge.


Does that mean if you drank a 50ml double vodka (40% vol) every hour for the rest of your life there would be no build up of alcohol in your liver? What happens when it builds up? Does this just mean no liver damage but you could still be constantly drunk?

Edit: asking for a friend


Gonna test this tonight after the exit poll.


Anyone else a fan of Guinness? I’d like a stout flavoured huel.
Also Tim says “nutrition is controversial” surely its just factual and their are no opinions involved. Either something is nutritional and good or it’s not.

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The science is factual, but it’s interpretation can vary wildly between people.

Take the constant articles about what foods that will kill us as an example. Red meat is good, then it’s bad, then it’s good again, and bad again. The Atkins diet is great, but then it kills the guy that came up with it. Keto is evil, then it’s amazing. Saturated fat is fine for us all of a sudden and lard is the healthiest fat to cook with again.

And the science is constantly changing and updating of course.

It’s a minefield. I don’t like all of this update but I do trust that @JamesCollier knows his stuff and team Huel overall are motivated by more than just being able to Scooge McDuck in warehouse number 3.


Considering that the alcohol content in v3 Huel is practically non-existent then your liver won’t even have any alcohol to break down. Even rye bread has like 10000 times more alcohol in it. I’m probably not even off with 10000 times but the difference might be bigger.

Reading these posts with interest, especially the topic creep. Re concerns about alcohol. I’m unconcerned because I’m sure most people will consume alcohol in their daily lives. I suspect that people who consime huel and people who consume alcohol are not mutially exclisive. Secondly, as has already been mentioned many other food stuffs contain alcohol and other toxic substances.

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Yep – here are some examples of many things you put in your system that you probably didn’t know contained alcohol…

  • Pure vanilla extract
  • Almond extract
  • Dijon mustard
  • Whipped cream
  • Malt vinegar
  • Cooking oil spray
  • Hot sauces
  • Sugarless gums
  • Energy drinks
  • Protein Bars
  • Vitamin supplements
  • Medicines (suppressants, decongestants, antihistamines, sleeping aids, etc.)
  • Ripe fruit
  • Fermented soda drinks


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I need all the alcohol I can get tonight…


I’ve given up and off to bed after eating half the tin of biscuits I bought for Xmas :slightly_frowning_face:


I’ve eaten all my Christmas food and drunk all the booze…the one clear winner here is Huel.


In the end I decided not to drink at all. I have depression. Combine that with alcohol and very, very bad news and there’s a good chance of me hurting myself.

So I’m clear headed, angry and sad.


I feel for all of you. Watching the headlines from Belgium and I can’t help but think we are in a different reality where everything that you would never think will happen, happens. Brexit vote, Trump, now this…

Anyway, seriously of topic of course. But you’re always welcome to move here :slight_smile: Our weather is as bad as yours, so you’ll feel right at home! Plus everyone on the Flemish side speaks good English, so there’s that.