Hi Team,
I’ve been trying to select Men’s Large (3000-club) tshirt since forever but it seems to unavailable - any indication as to when it’d be restocked?
Hi Team,
I’ve been trying to select Men’s Large (3000-club) tshirt since forever but it seems to unavailable - any indication as to when it’d be restocked?
Thanks for asking the question, I’d been wondering the same!
This looks like it will be mid September, however that is the current estimate and subject to change
@Charlotte_Huel , How do we find out how many meals we have purchased? I know I have more than 1000 as I have the shirt.
I counted back on delivery emails and double-checked against bank statements. Hours of fun.
Don’t think I could be bothered with that. I’ll await a reply from @Charlotte_Huel .
I bothered with it because the total recorded for me at Huel HQ was wrong. I’d kept a tally running so I knew what the right number was, I only counted back to be double/triple sure and to be able to get HQ to adjust my number without there being any doubt at all.
Noted, thank you
If you contact us at team@huel.com and we can let you know!
@epicure if you ever find the total we give you to be wrong, please let us know
Yes I had some discussion, and after a bit of to and fro I think we got it straight. I asked for a check and the first total was way out, then the increased number made no sense, so I spent time checking back and confirmed the correct number, and I think it’s all straight now.
Proud to be a Millennial at last.
Hang on - we can adjust the number?
I had a whole palava before about having two accounts (when I got a new email I just made a new account instead of changing the address) and was told they can’t combine the numbers.
@Charlotte_Huel is this now possible, to add the numbers of the previous account to the current one?
just bumping this if that’s okay - if it’s now possible to manually adjust the number on my huel account, does that mean I can add the meals from my old one?
I’ve also been waiting a very long time for them to restock the silver T-shirt in my size (XL). It appeared as an option recently for my latest subsciption order and I added it. Got the order confirmation today that says they are sending me a Beanie, but no mention of the Silver T-shirt anywhere. So I’m guessing they are not sending one after all.
My 3k order turned up today, the order confirmation had the beanie but no mention of t-shirt. Order just turned up, was sad to see no t-shirt until i picked up an all black 3k water bottle which had the t-shirt folded up inside it.
Yes. I had the same experience this morning which was a pleasant surprise.
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