Some pre-Huel questions

Hi all, I will buying a huel on a subscription basis as soon as payday arrives, the reason is because I have piled on weight since leaving the military and due to my job I don’t get time to eat properly, so just end up shoveling rubbish into my face when I can. My intention is to have a shake in the morning, as I currently don’t eat anything until lunch, and then another for lunch and I will also be training over my lunch break, I am hoping the weight will drop back off me.
My questions are:

  1. Can I prep a shake the night before and leave it refrigerated to have in the morning? I understand that for the consistency to smooth the shake needs to settle for 20 minutes, which isn’t ideal for my morning routine
  2. I am 6.2" and 16.6 stone, how many scoops will I need in the morning and at lunch time for good weight loss with out feeling starving?
    Thank you all, I am looking forward to trying this great product full time

For question 1 please see the FAQ post;

For question 2, you can use one of the many BMR+exercise calculators like this one, then consume about 10% less than what it says. This is all rather approximate though, its really hard to work out how many calories you use. In the end you will just need to consume a measured amount and keep weighing yourself for a fortnight or so. Adjust consumption according to results.

As for how many calories are in a scoop, it varies depending on what type your eating, but its on the label.


Welcome to the forum and thank you for choosing Huel! There are tons of answers to many questions all over the forum and website, make sure you spend some time digging around!

For your reference, you may have seen it on the FAQs too, but here is a useful scoop to gram table. We highly recommend using scales if you are looking for the precision required for controlled weight loss, but scoops are useful for a quick measure.

Hope this helps and let us know if you need any specific questions answered!