Stevia doesn't work. Request for alternative sucralose flavors

Took 2 vanilla bags and some U&U bags with some flavors.
Tried only recommended servings 120-125 g with 5 times water.
Vanilla is nice and even awesome (after attempt on Jake), but the experience with U&U and flavors is mediocre at most. I got Strawberry, Pineapple-coconut and Chocolate, tried different amounts from “half a teaspoon” to 10 g, first two only make it sour, very little Strawberry or Pineapply flavor, and with 10g chocolate I was able to determine stevia taste itself, and oh my it is bad.

last time I used stevia about 5 years ago and I forgot how much I dislike it.

So flavor pouches are mostly useless to me, add too little and you will not taste anything, increase and spoil everything with stevia taste.

Any chance on sucralose-based flavors? Or at least without stevia?
In the meantime will try to play with cocoa powder and sucralose (though I don’t have much of it), and mixing vanilla with UU