Strawberries & Cream Huel Black Edition

Hi Huel team!

I’ve been through a bag of banana and salted caramel Huel black now and both are absolutely fine with my digestive system. However I can’t say the same about the strawberries & cream flavour. It gives me a bad stomach ache and I feel sick for a day or two after. Is there something in the strawberries & cream huel that may be doing this to me? I want to try other flavours next but would rather avoid flavours that are going to have the same affect.

I’m going to throw the bag away which is sad as there are quite a few meals left in it.


I think they are basically the same thing, other than Strawberry and cream having beetroot and carrot extract, and whatever “natural flavourings” are. And the amounts will be slightly different I guess.

Or maybe it was a bad batch/bag split, or something? Or an unrelated illness?

I was considering an unrelated illness but I’ve attempted 3 times in a row now to drink it a few months apart and each time has resulted in the same thing whereas the other flavours are fine.

Thanks for looking at the ingredients for me, I suppose I could have done that! Maybe the “natural flavourings” aren’t agreeing with me or like you said it’s a bad batch/bag for me. I wonder if the Huel folks have had anything similar reported.

Hi Dan I hope you’re doing well! This is very unusual as the core ingredients are the same, if I were to speculate I might say the flavourings could potentially not agree with you, however, if this is a concern then I would make sure to consult a doctor to have the correct information.

To rule out the possibility of it being specific to the pouch you ordered can you please send the customer experience team an email to with the batch details on the pouch and we would be more than happy to see what we can do to help.

Hi Charlotte,

Thanks for the reply. I’ll be sure to get in touch!


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