Suggestions on how to make vanilla taste less sweet please?

Hi everyone I’m a brand new user and I ordered the vanilla flavour as I wanted to ease myself into using Huel. However I’ve just made my first shake and I find the flavour sickly sweet to the point it’s undrinkable. I don’t add sugar to anything so on reflection I should have gone for the unflavoured version. But for now I’m stuck with two bags of vanilla and I wonder if any of you have found ways to mask the flavour. I have a good blender so can experiment. I tried adding peanut butter but that did not help at all. I’d like my Huel experience not to end before it even started so any tips are greatly appreciated! Thanks!

Try adding a handful of frozen berries, they can knock back the sweetness, especially redcurrants in the mix

Thanks Adam I’ll try that!

Also try adding coffee. That dials the sweetness back.

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The usual tip is to refrigerate it over night. This changes the consistency (smoother) and makes it slightly less sweet. Alternatively you could use more water. Or buy a couple of bags of the unflavoured and unsweetened version and do 50/50.

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This is what I do

1 Scoop vanilla, 2 scoops unflavoured/unsweetened in 500ml water
1 tea spoon instant coffee
Leave over night in fridge (usually about 10 hours)

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Fab, i’m going to try a few of the suggestions out and hopefully it will work out. I’m happy to get used to stuff over time but could literally not swallow the shake first time I tried it!

I am agree, i have received my first order from HUEL, and its very disapointing this feeling of sugar in the mouth …

Yup, I’ve come to the conclusion that vanilla is far too sweet on it’s own. Initially it was okay but the more I’ve had it on it’s own the more I’m convinced it’s just way too sweet.

So mix it 50:50 or 30:60 with unsweetened Huel!

Read my previous posts!

Why did you buy vanilla??? You will always find anything vanilla flavoured to be sweet. I don’t think there is a single vanilla product on earth that is totally un-sweet.
Coffee is bitter, so add two heaped teaspoons of instant coffee powder. Hopefully that will work.
Personally I find the vanilla not sweet enough, so I add Stevia to make it sweeter.

I started by buying a U/U sample and thought it was OK but could have been a bit sweeter. When I ordered my first full batch I went for 1x U/U and 1x Vanilla. I tried the Vanilla and thought it was too sweet. I dont know why it took me a week to try a 50/50 mix but that is perfect for me. So at the moment I am using 70/30 until the bags are even.

With regards to adding coffee, when I did this, I took a sip to see what it was like and found it tasted horrible but I didnt want to waste it and after chilling it overnight it actually tasted nice.

can still taste it … i did red fruits, beetroot, everything, the flavour really takes over

Have you tried going 50:50 Vanilla:Unflavoured? That is definitely the best option for you if you still want to retain some of the Vanilla flavour.