Vanilla Huel makes me feel sick

I had a vanilla Huel the first time and I hated the taste but thought this might be because it was my first ever Huel. After that I have stuck to mint chocolate which is amazing! But I don’t want to waste my bag of Vanilla Huel… how do I change the flavour? It just reminds me of vomit too much!

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I’ve opened it and used it for a few shakes - unfortunately

Do you have any flavour boosts? You could put a spoonful of instant coffee in it or cocoa - or both if you like mocha flavouring.

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Will try out some flavour boosts and maybe even buy a pack of mint choc to add to the vanilla.

Question, is the original Huel less sickly sweet? I would like to be able to enjoy a plain flavour hence why I bought vanilla :slight_smile:

Yeah the original vanilla is a bit plainer in terms of flavour, but it’s still very sweet. Try the matcha flavour boost, lots of people say they don’t fancy it but I think it makes it less sweet.

Also, leaving in the fridge overnight takes the “edge” out of the sweetness for most people

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Tbh I am happy to drink vanilla either on its own or flavoured, but find Original a bit too sweet for my tastes. I mix Original with UU to tone down the sweetness, as do quite a few people here, then add flavour. UU is good with flavours if you are not too much of a sweet tooth. Taste is a highly subjective so we all have to agree to differ :grin:

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Hmm. Maybe I should get my next order in soon and add a UU to balance out the vanilla. Would that work?

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All we can really do here is share what works for us. Impossible for one individual to imagine what someone else would like.

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UU is a good choice, it’s the one I always order as there are so many different ways to change it :green_apple::apple::banana::strawberry::cherries::mango::pineapple::coconut::pie::chocolate_bar::peanuts::honey_pot::milk_glass::coffee: and it even worked with a shot of Baileys at Christmas!


If you find the sweetness too intense or the flavour too intense, mixing in a scoop of UU works really well. Making it slightly weaker (more water) also helps, as does refrigerating it overnight (which magically toned down the sweetness a lot!).

I’d recommend trying a bag of UU to mix with. If you don’t like it, you can always add plenty flavour boosts or use it up a little at a time, mixing it into original or vanilla.

Personally I find 50/50 original and uu plus flavour boosts much more pleasant than vanilla - it’s less sweet and less sickly, and you can vary the flavour boosts to give variety.

Also adding instant coffee or cacao tones down the sweetness very well.

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Thanks for the advice!

I have some advice. Get a bunch of sick bags and try again.

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Vanilla is the BEST…so kindly flip off:)

I’ve read that several times, and everytime it makes less sense. You wot, m8?

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Ta very much for the advice :wink:

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OP said the vanilla flavour makes him sick. Hunzas suggested he just carry on but keep “sick bags” (like on aeroplanes) nearby. Not a bad joke by hunzas standards, but it’s classically unhelpful as is hunzas tradition which makes it funny


Sorry that you weren’t a fan of the Vanilla Flavour. There’s not just one way to enjoy Huel, so don’t worry! Some great ideas here already, but to list a few favourites:

Mocha Flavour Boost
Teaspoon (or 2) instant coffee
Blending with Berries/fruit of your choice
Adding peanut butter

And so many more

My experiences are similar to yours, OP. I tried mixing it half-and-half with Unsweetened/Unflavored and that really did the trick for me. But otherwise yeah, unbearably sweet.