The next new product?

I’m honestly just gonna leave it there. Roll with it, maybe someone would want a buttscotch flavour. I don’t even want to know what such a flavour would involve. Perhaps all those people who like to claim our flavours have castoreum in would enjoy it.


What on earth are you trying to say. I’d butter scotch those rumours before they get out of hand!

Actually butterscotch would be quite nice.


It’s in the name really.

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but what do butts and cotch taste like, what even is a “cotch”!?


a relaxing time :slight_smile:

At first it looked like noodles, but re-watching my guess is pasta…

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What do you mean, Saira? :eyes:

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That’s totally the right emoji. It’s very important to look at the details in emails… :zipper_mouth_face:


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yeah, that looks like pasta, not noodles.

Adding my thoughts/wishes to the list

Clothing that is made of either hemp and/or bamboo.

Recently bought clothes with bamboo instead of wool which is really comfy and more breathable = makes you sweat (and smell?) less
Either way really love the material!

I’ve got various pieces of hemp clothing. It’s a great fabric for clothes. I even have 2 hoodlamb winter coats…shame they ceased to exist during the pandemic.

Only have bamboo socks. Never tried anything else made from bamboo

Also got bamboo socks, tried searching for hemp socks but that was not an easy task to do since it only shows wool socks with embedded hemp logo on it >.<
Clothes with hemp was in general hard to find (in Europe at least) in my experience

Have to add another wish now of a previous product I saw mentioned when I was scrolling through the feed.

Huel Granola!! Maybe it’s time to give it a new try with a larger customer base but swap out sucralose to stevia (or something else than sucralose atleast) would be really great :partying_face:

My hemp coats from hoodlamb were sold out of the Netherlands. Great quality. Really heavy and good in very cold weather. The sea shepherd crew used to wear them on their missions in cold climates.

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Mmmm butterscotch. And a hot breakfast. And Biscoff. Everything really. :yum:

Mac and cheese incoming…?

I have hemp socks from and Ts from that are great.
I’ve gotten Bamboo socks and a shirt from

They all have extensive lines of clothing.

I’d like a pair of hemp jeans but they are super expensive for me to justify for a while.

treat yourself to one of these. Organic Sunshine Yellow Skirt - Ethical and Sustainable!

Thanks for the links, really appreciate it! Gonna order soon :yum:

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I find bamboo better for my feet with socks, I sweat a lot in shoes and they wick and dry fast. I don’t know if normally my feet would smell, they don’t now, been wearing All bamboo socks a decade, and recently got some hemp ones for boots.