Time to finally lose some weight

No worries. You weren’t disrespectful and no offence taken. Believe me, I wish I was tall enough that 16 stone was a reasonable weight :grin:

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Today’s check in. Weight was 231.5lbs this morning, so same as yesterday.
Yesterday was a training day but without the PT. So my 1 hour gym session and then a 50 minute walk in the afternoon. Calories were at 1429 yesterday which feels about right for a training day. I was lifting slightly lower weights as I prefer not to bench what I normally do without my PT there to spot me, so slightly lower weight and higher reps.


Checking in at the end of my first week.
Starting stats:
16st 9lbs (233.7lbs, 106kg)
Waist 39”
8th May stats:
16st 5lbs (229.6lbs, 104.1kg)
Waist 38.5”
Loss 4.1lbs.
Very happy with that. Yesterday was a good day. 948 calories and stuck to my 16:8 TRE.


Another good day yesterday. 913 calories and inside 16:8 TRE. Weight this morning was 229.6lbs.
Today has been a work from home day with big gaps between calls so it’s been a struggle to stop myself boredom eating. Probably also due to the fact I’ve drunk nowhere near enough water and didn’t have my late morning black coffee. Also didn’t get around to having my chocolate and cherry Huel until about 2pm.
Gym day tomorrow and a bit of a busier day planned so hopefully less aimlessly wandering into the kitchen and then determinedly marching myself back out again! :grin:


Keep it up! Great to see your progress and all the awesome advice.

Do those that are looking to lose weight often adjust their calorie intake as they lose weight? It’s my understanding that the more body mass you have the more calories you need to maintain body weight. e.g.

BMR of 181cm man at 87kg = 1781kcal
BMR of 181cm man at 120kg = 2201kcal

Just wondering if this is a factor you guys consider as you progress through your weight loss program?

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We are all different of course but I didn’t need to adjust. I still lost a steady 1lb per week on the same calorie regime throughout.

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General advice seems to be to review calorie intake and recheck BMR after every 10lbs loss or if weight loss slows down/stops. I guess it will vary hugely by individual depending on how much they have to lose and how big a deficit they are working with.
For me, as I’m running with a big deficit for my 28 day kick off, I’ll be putting my daily intake up at the end of 28 days even though I still have a lot to lose and then reviewing every 10lbs.
I guess it’ll come down to what is sustainable and what works for each individual.

Not quite such a good day yesterday. Ended up on 1217 calories so not terrible but not 800 calories either! Weight was 16st 4lbs this morning so still going well.

Today is a gym day, but more specifically a 300 rep session. Details below if anyone else wants to try, as it’s a good 1 hour 6 exercise routine:

50 chin ups
50 deadlifts
50 step ups with weights or 50 box jumps
50 press ups
50 TRX Atomic push ups
50 medicine ball slams or 50 overhead kettlebell presses

You can break each 50 up into whatever sets you want but you must complete it in under 1 hour.

I have to say the atomic push ups are a killer after the chin ups and deadlifts. Definitely felt shaky walking back from the gym although much recovered with my post gym Huel with frozen blueberries.

Yesterdays calorie intake was 1451 which is on track for a training day. Especially one which has left me with DOMS in muscles I didn’t know I had! This morning my weight was 229.4lbs so a blip back up to 16st 5lbs. But hey, fluctuation is normal and my trend is very much onwards and downwards.

Day out with my sister to Grand Designs Live at the ExCel in London tomorrow so not a Huel day but hopefully all the walking will keep me on track.

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Weight is deciding to mess with my head and fluctuate. I am steadfastly refusing to stress about it as I know it’s water/post gym session weight but still irritating. Today was 231.7lbs. I know I haven’t actually put two pounds of fat on since yesterday so it’s just a case of waiting for the scales to shift and the water to drop off. DOMS is a pain in both senses of the word.
Calories yesterday finished up at 1462 for the day, so very much not 800 but again under my BMR of 1570. Ah well, off out for the day. Better luck tomorrow.

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A day is a day and there are plenty more days ahead to smash it, don’t worry :slight_smile:

Personally I know from experience that I mentally/emotionally can’t cope with the daily fluctuation so I’ve learnt to stick to a once a week weigh, I always admire the people who can daily weigh!

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I still daily weigh now I’m maintaining :grin:


Still 231.6lbs. I am aware that Sunday and Monday both weren’t great on the calorie front. I was out at Grand Designs Live and then out for dinner last night. Best estimates are 1596 and 1706 calories for Sunday and Monday. Yesterday also included a glass of wine. Pretty sure I’ve done a nice job of replenishing glycogen and retaining water (DOMS is only easing off now).

I have a Dexa bodyscan booked for this morning which is going to be my detailed baseline start point. Plus I took some pictures in the gym on Friday so will be documenting properly. First time I’ve ever tried taking pictures so I can see progress. I kind of wish I’d done it when I was two stone heavier.

Today I’m trying chocolate premix with banana flavour drops to see what that’s like and shooting for 800 calories.

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So really happy with the results of my Dexa scan. Since my scan in 2017 I’ve lost 9.33kg, of which only 700g was muscle mass, 8.63kg was fat loss. Reassuring to know that the tactic of continuing my weightlifting during that time has helped to minimise my loss of muscle mass.
In addition my bone density is consistent and has actually improved by 0.5% since my original scan which is fantastic news as I’m considered at risk here due to my cancer treatment at age 35.

Oh and I can also report that 2 scoops chocolate premix + 1/2 tsp chocolate flavour boost + 10 banana flavour drops with 300ml water and 200ml almond milk = yum!


Checking in at the end of week two. Somewhat disappointing.
1st May starting stats:
16st 9lbs (233.7lbs, 106kg)
Waist 39”
8th May stats:
16st 5lbs (229.6lbs, 104.1kg)
Waist 38.5”
15th May stats:
16st 6lbs (230.4lbs, 104.5kg)
Waist 38.5"

So I’ve gone back up slightly this week. Definitely haven’t been as disciplined on the food front (only two 800-900ish calorie days) but my worst day was still only 1707 calories so still under my TDEE. I am weighing and measuring my food wherever possible (bar a couple of times where I ate out on Sunday and Monday and had to make a best estimate).
Oh well, getting under 16st by the end of the month is still achievable so I’ll keep at it and see how I get on. It looks like I was on track until Saturday morning so I guess the DOMS/water retention post Friday workout and then two days of estimating calories as I was out has derailed me a bit.
Still, focus on the long term. I’m still lighter than I was on the first and if I work at it I’ll get lighter still.

Better day yesterday, I ended up at 1014 calories for the day. Weigh in this morning was 229.2lbs (16st 5lbs).

Tried mixing 70g fresh peaches with my 2 scoops of vanilla Huel + 300ml water + 200ml Almond milk yesterday and the taste wasn’t strong enough so added 10 peach flavour drops which made it pretty much perfect.

I’m experimenting with new flavours now I have a few locked down that I know I can rely on so it’ll be interesting to see what works and what doesn’t.


Checking in. Thursday was a good day calories wise. I came in at 869. Friday wasn’t so good. It was a gym day so targeted 1500ish and finished up at 1789.
Weight wise I’m bouncing around 228/229 lbs.
Waiting to see a drop on the scales…


Fingers crossed that drop comes soon!

I’m still being patient, but this is really frustrating. 231.2lbs (16st 7lbs) this morning - heading steadily back upwards.
I am tracking everything in MyFitnessPal (including drinks other than black coffee or water) and keep track of activity with my Fitbit Blaze. According to the data I’ve averaged a calorie deficit of 1200 calories a day since 1st May. This should be pretty accurate as I’m weighing my Huel rather than relying on scoops and measuring out my almond milk and water to go in it. I weigh and measure all my other food for my main evening meal and any thing else I have (glass of fruit juice, etc.).
The only other odd thing is that according to my Fitbit Aria scales although my weight is slowly creeping back up and cancelling out my first week losses, my body fat percentage is going down? According to my tracking I should be losing around 2lbs a week.
The only possible explanation I can find is that where I’ve only recently started proper weight training I am gaining a small amount of muscle which along with the water retention is masking any losses. According to the reading I’ve done it is possible for very overweight individuals to make muscle gains even in a calorie deficit if they are resistance training and starting from an untrained base. This will only happen if they have a high level of body fat to burn to fuel muscle synthesis (Hi - 46% here), are eating a high protein diet (which I am) and is more common in older people (i.e. over 35). I’m definitely getting stronger (my leg press is up to 160kg now) and if I squint I have the beginnings of a (baby) bicep.
I guess time will tell. It’ll be interesting to see my Dexascan in 12 weeks time. Sticking with it as I’m enjoying my Huel and it’s stopped me hitting the sandwich shop at lunch time and buying crap.


And as if by magic I’m back down to 16st 4lbs this morning.
Yesterday was a good calorie day at 1059. I had an inkling I’d be lower weight this morning as I was definitely getting rid of excess water yesterday - way more bathroom breaks than usual!