Where are all the RTD?

@hunzas Glasgow, it looks like the Wellington statue.

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That’s it. Two cones on heads today.


Just when you thought Glasgow couldn’t get any worse.

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For bonus points. Where am I now? STV were just here filming a news story as I was swimming in the background (work not holiday).

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Going doon the watter to bonny Dunoon? :sunglasses:

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Aye. spot on.

I envy you. Spent many hours on family holidays nose pressed against the window watching the Polaris subs cruising out and back on the firth, through the rain. Somedays it stopped raining for an hour or so. We used to go wild. The sun came out once, so they say.

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I was a protestor at Faslane Peace camp (it’s still there) - those subs are huge.

So is this, parked up down the road. $120 million dollar yacht owned by Howard Shultz.

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Blimey. That’s a lot of frothy coffee.
Still, the weather looks nice.

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Yep. Obviously had the day of summer today.


16 bottles of yFood arrived
Can report that vanilla is almost undrinkable
Has a very unpleasant aftertaste
Absolutely no comparison to RTD
Off to Sainsbury’s to leave the remaining 15 in the food bank and drag home a bulk RTD
Please get RTD back online :innocent:

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Love affair back on.


Are you serious? Is the water not to cold for swimming? At least here in Germany even the normally warmest lakes still have temperatures around 15°C.

No it was balmy.

That’s a shame but also highlights one of the benefits of Huel for me – its far more palatable in taste and texture than many other alternatives I’ve tried. If its any use for you, I checked and Holland & Barret have a deal on Huel RTD – all are reduced to £3.00 for both version 1 & 2 and appear to be in stock on all flavours online.


ok… that was a great suggestion!
Holland & Barret £3 per RDT plus free delivery
AND 18% Holland & Barret on topcashback (can be hit and miss)
Thats significantly cheaper than even direct from Huel
Great start to the week :slight_smile:


Came here looking for info on RTD because it’s been out of stock for a long time now. I wonder what can have gone so badly wrong. Are supermarkets going to start getting affected? That might be quite damaging for Huel.

I wish I could give an update on the situation, but we’re still in the process of getting production going again. As soon as we have an update and dates for back in stock we will be screaming this from the rooftops!

Supermarkets generally speaking should have stock due to them receiving reserves before the production issue happened. It’s definitely far from an ideal situation, but all we can do right now is push to get RTD back as soon as possible.

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So do supermarkets receive a huge load of bottles and then sell off that stock slowly over time? I would have assumed that they’d get smaller deliveries on an ongoing basis. Not that it makes a difference to us as consumers, just interested to know how that kind of business works.

The supermarkets had reserved stock as backup, but as I said this was prior to OOS or the production issue we experienced so this is why they’ve still been able to sell RTD. Personally, I’m not sure if this is the case for all brands/supermarkets but I would be happy to ask our retail team if you’re interested!