Why isn't huel satisfying me!?

I take 5 scoops normally for breakfast, adding it to 400ml of almond milk. Within a hour I’m hungry again!?.

I’m a pretty big guy at nearly 19 stone, I’m 5ft11in. And previously had a poor diet

Anyone else experience this?.

5 scoops in 400ml almond milk. It is probably too thick to get out of the container…that’s why.

You weigh almost twice what I do, yet eat less for breakfast than I do. I’d be surprised if you weren’t hungry.

If you get hungry again, have some more. Problem solved. When you’re hungry, eat. When you’re not hungry, don’t eat.

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or try drinking…thirst is often mistaken for hunger. 8 cans of stella for breakfast usually does the trick…alongside some psychotropic drugs.