Would anyone else love a metal scoop?

Can’t really chime in anything useful but figured I’d add another voice to the thread.

Would be awesome to have a metal scoop - though understandable if they’re hard to source. Something with a long handle would be great.

Would also be happy to pay for a metal one as an ‘upgrade’.

I’ve decided to look online for a scoop.

The first step is to determine the size. By my own quick measurements, one Huel scoop holds 70ml equivalent to 39g Huel.

I’m in the UK but figured the US cup system for measuring ingredients might come in handy. According to google, 1 US cup is 236.588ml.

So 1/4 cup Huel is 32.95g Huel, while 3/4 cup gives 98.86g Huel.

If you use 100g Huel to 500ml water this will roughly correspond to 3/4 cup Huel to 2 cups water. It will actually give you about 1.3% less Huel & 5.4% less water, so it will be about 4.5% thicker, which is all close enough for me.

I reckon measures of 1/4, 3/4 & 1 cup will come in handy so I’m off to look for a set of metal ladle style cup measures, preferably a set of 1/4, 1/2, 3/4 & 1 cup & preferably with nice long(ish) handles :slight_smile:

Edit: Short handled, but otherwise seem suitable.

I also prefer to use electronic scales. I use IKEA stainless steel scale.