Wrong size t shirt

Just received my first pack. Unfortunately was sent small instead of XL.

Whilst the forums are manned by Huel staff you are better off dealing with this direct by emailing team@huel.com

Thank you. Good advice.

Stick with Huel and that Size S will fit in no time lol.

That’s a very positive attitude. Thanks.

As for the person who received the XL & wanted the S, they could try a McD diet :wink: Pro tip: blending helps hide the shame.

There are many uses in this scenario. Like using it as a tent?

Sorry to hear you got sent a small Huel t-shirt, I’m sure we managed to sort this out!

Yes all great now. Many thanks indeed.

Yes, same here!

Hi Patricia, I’ve just checked out your order and it seems that you didn’t add a t-shirt to your basket. In these cases our fulfilment team will generally deliver either a men’s large or a female medium.

Hi Tim. Thanks for your reply. I remember checking the size I wanted in the drop down menu, it mustn’t have registered that I wanted the larger size. Ah well, no worries.

May I take a moment to say how much I like the gluten-free Huel. I am hoping that it will help me long-term.

Many thanks!