December 28, 2018, 10:48am
A lot of people experience gas, bloating, heartburn, diarrhea or similar symptoms when they start on Huel. We believe this is due to the high fibre content, compared to a low fibre diet of most people.
I just drank my first meal at lunch, and I’m stuck here reading horror stories about how I’m 90% likely to poop myself sometime in the next 24 hours. Or to gas everyone I know.
Has anyone started with Huel and just been okay? No awful gas, no razor thin dashes to the bathroom?
I could do with some reassurance!!
EDIT - One week in I’m doing fine. I’ve replaced my lunch at work every week with Huel, but I still have a regular meal for breakfast (normally toast and eggs) and for dinner.
I had …
Let me start by saying that I love Huel. I particularly love the vanilla flavour and was Huelling 100% at one point but I’m about to give up here due to the constant, low level heartburn I get when I consume the vanilla flavour. I’ve tried the UU but I really can’t take to it AND it doesn’t fill me up.
Apart from non stop omeprazole, has anyone got any ideas how to solve this issue? I’ve tried mixing vanilla with half UU, I’ve tried following it with a drink of water.
Other than that I feel…
Have been using Huel for the last month or so. Use it to replace 1 or 2 meals per day.
Post Huel meal, I get bloated and start feeling heartburn (mild). Before huel never had this.
Using 1.1 sweetened version.
Any ideas?
Hello all, new hueler here, thinking about trying it for a long while but finally decided to give it a go, primarily because of my yo-yoing weight over the last few years, and that I’m incredibly lazy when it comes to lunch prep.
I’ve been using it to replace breakfast and lunch for the last 5 days with 2x 75g/400ml mixes, one mid-morning and one mid-afternoon. My main problem at the moment is that I’m getting incredibly bad heartburn about an hour after consuming one, and it lasts for a good 3…
Anyone else experiencing some mild heartburn while on Huel? I think this might just be a transition symptom for me from solid food (I was a huge carnivore and sugar addict) to liquid nutrition. I get it about an hour after consumption. And I am finding that a couple of tums tablets alleviates my symptoms. And I can certainly deal. But I hope it isn’t my body reacting to Huel itself. I am enjoying my experience so far. And I want to make Huel a regular part of my diet for the foreseeable future.
Here are some threads to have a look at.
I am not trying to put you off. I love Huel and I have been buying it close to 3 years now. But a lot of peoples bodies have to adjust to Huel (including mine, I got really bad heartburn to begin with) so going straight in at 100% is not a smart idea. At least have 1 meal a day for 2 days to see how you feel.
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