Huel for Weightloss

Hey Emily, straight of the bat I’m going to say that we don’t recommend this. Huel isn’t a magic product which is going to be your silver bullet. I written this before, but please read the below.

So the answer to your question of which product, is the one which fits best into your lifestyle.

However, if you were to push us for an answer, Black Edition would be a good place to start. It’s higher protein quantity will help with feeling full.

It isn’t, no. The amount of calories you need depends on your gender, age, height, weight, and activity. Use this calculator to calculate the amount of calories you need per day. Then take 500kcal off to lose 1lb per week, and 1,000kcal to lose 2lb per week.

I hope that’s helpful. All the best to you, and please stop in with any questions you might have!