You really are deaf as a post and the irony is you are the person trying to impose your ideals onto others.
Huel has been a vegan company from the start. It’s all over their website and all over the articles and report I linked you to. It’s you who is suggesting they abandon all of that.
I used to add almond or oat milk to my shakes, which made them creamier but I can’t imagine you are a fan of such things. I don’t feel the need to these days, water is sufficient for me.
If you start making products containing milk, you risk cross contamination - some people (like myself) are allergic/intolerant to milk so need things to stay vegan. If you want a meal replacement containing milk there are plenty of them out there.
Well to be fair Huel has products containing peanuts. I do not think the ingredient is a problem. If there is enough request for it and a desire they can appoint a seperate facility for it just like with peanuts.
And you can always make that non-argument why not add it just yourself? You can say that for every flavour as well or ingredient. I think it would be better if Huel did it as they are more professional and better equipped with knowledge and machinary due and more capable of finding the right ratios. If I lowered for example the Huel powder ratio as someone suggested then I would be tempering with the nutritional value and this is one of the main reasons why people use Huel, the ease of knowing how much you exactly receive of calories and nutrion. then I would make it less nutritionally complete. Not a good idea for those intending to use Huel 100% and I know there are a few of those out there.
I think I have said enough by now, answered all points. In the end, Huel is the one to decide and I was merely suggesting some ideas as a customer on what I would like to see and think would improve the experience which I think is a fair thing.
Take care, thanks for politely answering me Bee and Phil.
Peanuts are an allergy based issue which huel were able to address and make work safely. Milk is an ethics based issue which can’t really be addressed as there is no ethical way to use cows milk. Huel have been a vegan company since the start and as a company they say they work towards ethical and environmentally friendly products. Cows milk doesn’t fit in with any of those values so I can’t see them ever using it.
But if you want huel to be creamier I really recommend using oat milk with water. You can add just 100ml to two scoops and the rest with water, and it won’t hugely affect the calories. Hope that helps.
I don’t even understand @anon10145348 justification to have milk in it. To have more calories?? But Huel has already the number of calories it wants to have, they wouldn’t just add more calories to make it tastier. That’s something you have to do on your own if that suits you.
Anyway he has already been very well answered and seem to not understand anything, and even be a little bit of a troll, so I don’t even know if we should continue answering him.
I mean saying that there’s not moral objection on using dairies in a vegan product forum is either plain provocation or blind ignorance. In order to produce milk you need to have a lot of cows (What happened to the bulls?.. Obviously they are not kept alive), inseminate them, steal their offspring and abusing them everyday to get their milk. And typically keep them in small enclosed spaces for life. When they get older and can not give milk anymore, they follow the same path of their males counterparts. How is all this murder and abuse not a moral objection? Maybe not for you, but that is related to your moral compass.
I think the easiest way to sum up accessibility is that everyone can consume plant-based (vegan) products but not everyone can consume vegetarian products. As mentioned by others there are clear sustainability benefits to using plant-based ingredients/
You’re absolutely right @anon10145348 that milk could provide a creamier flavour and mouthfeel, however so can other ingredients such as coconut milk. Fat is providing the properties you’re after, which will also provide calories. Think of skimmed milk vs whole milk, the difference in creaminess is because of the fat.
200ml of semi-skimmed milk is ~100kcal so you could substitute 100kcal worth of powder to keep the calories the same but get the creaminess you’re after.
I’d lose a lot of respect for Huel as a company if they did this. Dairy milk is on the decline for a lot of good reasons. Animal suffering, the environment, health and more
I am sick of the moral superiority being banded around here. If you buy your vegan products from a shop and don’t eat stuff you have grown yourself exclusively, you are in absolutely no way causing any less of an impact to the environment that someone who drinks milk or, dare I say, eats meat. Consumerism and commercial farming, even for plants, causes harm to the environment directly. pesticides, huge areas of land taken from wildlife. Do you think they just allow rabbits to eat away at their concentrated patch of carrots? After this, it’s getting shipped using the same polluting vehicles.
And also you are reading this on an electric device, and probably live in some sort of house. You are human. There is little margin for moral superiority. We all suck. Stop banding your choices around like they mean anything.
The issue ‘bandied around’ here isn’t anything to do with environmental sustainability as far as I’m concerned but solely to do with animal suffering. Do you want to have a go at minimizing that? You seem to have missed the point.
There’s plenty of margin for morality, superior and inferior, so long as all parties agree that deliberately causing avoidable suffering to another being is an absolutely bad thing.
We don’t all ‘suck’ to quite the same extent. I suck, and more than some, but less than others.
This is incorrect. Most of the time plant-based options are better for the environment. You can read more in our Sustainable Nutrition report, pages 15 and 25 are the best summaries of this.
By living we have an impact on this planet, however we can look to minimise and improve that impact.
We do all suck. Humans are a plague on the planet. Best thing we as a species can do is stop breeding. The best impact you can have on environmental destruction (aside from killing yourself - and I’m not suggesting that is a good thing to do) is not to have children.
Eating animals that have spent their short miserable lives incarcerated before being killed while still babies isn’t great for my conscience, which is why I don’t eat them. It’s not a moral superiority stance. The world is unequal, not everyone can grow their own crops and so they have to rely on others. There is an unfortunate consequence of this, innocent (wild) animals are killed - and the bigger the fields of crops the more likely this is to happen. Unfortunately (again) many crops are grown to feed animals to then feed to humans. You"ve got to admit that’s bloody wasteful and it makes more sense to eat the plants directly. Cue the “I’m nearly vegan I only eat grass-fed beef” nonsensical reply.
As an aside, Greta Thunberg just made a speech at Glastonbury festival. Very inspiring - my wife met her beforehand and she’s a lovely person. Reading the social media posts from the UK Gammonista was cringy and embarrassing. “Did she fly there?”, “the stage had diesel powered generators”, "she’ll give up environmentalism when she discovers cck" etc. At least she’s trying to make a difference and inspire a generation that is seeing the world fcked over by the preceding generations, many of who do NOTHING to improve the planet.
Eating plant-based won’t cure our problems, but it will have a small impact at east.