Lower Carb Huel / Keto

How was it when you were on a hundert percent Huel diet with the regular Huel? Better? Do you feel worse than how you felt before you started your keto diet?

I never was on 100% Huel. The max I have been was 70% in some specific weeks if I was working a lot.

Mmm its difficult to say I am experimenting the nornal diet.

I feel like I have lost the focus, efficient and concentration for the convenience of eating any kind of food.

I will analyze myself and start keto again on january and make a decision.

Perhaps you can do both, depending on how much focus you need at a given time. Almost everything in life comes in intervals, things are changing all the time. I understand that keto does not seem to be very convenient. At least if you don’t use keto meal replacements. The product rikefrejut mentioned seemed to be pretty convincing to me (at least if I wanted to pursue a keto diet). There are also keto products from feed and ambronite (haven’t tried those brands, though). In theory all of these things seem to be of high quality and very healthy - just a bit more expensive than Huel.