Mexican Chilli Flavour Hot & Savoury šŸŒ¶

Oh, I bloody love it! Right up my alley the smokey flavour. Thanks Huel!!


I assume you mean never lastsā€¦


Username checks out.


Iā€™ve tried the Mexican chilli now, and have to say that I really enjoyed it. I like spicy, and it isnā€™t massively so but it does have a bit of a kick that means those who like it mild probably wonā€™t be over-keen, but I think overall to suit the majority of palates it will be good. The chipotle is good, I like smokiness to my chilli.

As @David said it is definitely up there with TGC and neither requires anything more adding. T&H always needs a little more and is my least preferred option. I probably wonā€™t order T&H again and stick with the other two. Funnily enough though if that was the only option Iā€™d have been happy with itā€¦

Wth regards to eating leftover food for breakfast; I think that is something I can say I donā€™t think Iā€™ve ever done in my life. I donā€™t like cold pizza either.


that scarcely seems possible!


Yea I agree. I just could not eat left overs the next morning. (Think we are in the minority here). I only tried pizza for the 1st time last year when Asda brought out a vegan pizza. I think I froze what I did not finish and itā€™s probably still in the freezer. Oops. The only exception to reheating is home made soup which always tastes better the following day. :roll_eyes::hugs:

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I think many spicy dishes like curries and chillies are actually better the next dayā€¦but I just wouldnā€™t eat them for breakfast, hot or cold.

I do like some of the vegan pizzas you can get now, but prefer to make my own. If I buy a shop bought one I will eat it in one mealā€¦DONā€™T EVER LOOK AT THE NUTRITION GUIDELINES ON THE BACK. Most of them are about 1000 calories per pizza.

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DONā€™T EVER LOOK AT THE NUTRITION GUIDELINES ON THE BACK. Most of them are about 1000 calories per pizza.

I think that probably applies to most food that is ā€œa treatā€. Probably ok once in a while. :yum:

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Will pass on the cold pizza and chilli. Iā€™ll stick with porridge and blueberries for breakfast along with granary toast and a smidge of marmite.

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Cold pizza for breakfast is definitely a good thing (once in a while by the way, not daily).

Hi Bee was all going well till you mentioned the marmite. So strange I dont like marmite but I like the crisps. Dont no if you can still get them mind you. :spaghetti:

Yes, Walkers do marmite flavour

you can even get Marmite scented shower gel - crisps should be no problem

Lol I draw the lineā€¦

lines were meant to be crossed - @Tim_Huel knows this

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Arrrgh! :open_mouth: :laughing:

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Sorry Phil but that sounds disgusting. Would you use it yourself. :roll_eyes:

I donā€™t eat a lot of crisps so donā€™t really look. Might get a pack for Christmas though. Are you allowed to say that word yet. :christmas_tree:

NO! :laughing:


not for all the yeast extract in China :rofl: