What do you think of our new video?
I like it, delivery’s really steady throughout and he covered all the salient questions that I’ve heard from a lot of new Huelers. Really good choice of presenter as well, from a marketing perspective he looks like the kind of character that a lot of 'lent users would tend to aspire towards.
I do think you missed a tiny opportunity… at the end of the video he could have said “and of course, if you’re really in a rush and don’t have time to mix up a Huel drink, grab one of our bars” and then walked off screen smiling. Course, that probably would have come across as a way too cheesy.
Great video.
At the start he says “4 parts water to 1 part huel” and waves the scoop. This could easily be misinterpreted as 1 scoop of huel. Since the shaker is a standard size, just say “half fill with water, 3 scoops, and top up. If you want a smaller portion, use 4 parts water, 1 part huel.”
What kind of title is “Super Hueler”? did a five year old come up with that? That was incredibly cringy and removed any sense of respect which the video overall did well to build up.
I’m irritated by his brand new shaker. Does ANY hueler have a perfect Huel logo on the side? Even ONE of you forum members?? As long as Huel use water soluble paint which washes off at the first opportunity you’ve no right to show a “super hueler” with such flawless equipment.
Bit too much camera panning.
Otherwise, good job!
Sorry but
The video expects the viewer to try figuring out the maths / amounts for themselves using the vague details given.
By following his actions alone, Huel is a 1 scoop / 500ml water mix.
Calories are mentioned, but no details are given beyond reducing the amount to get less than 500.
No mention of how many grams/calories/parts the “Perfect Scoop” contains.
160ml per scoop? Based on my kitchen scales, that’s 4 scoops (plural), although on scales ml are used for liquids, not solids. But based on my measuring jug, 3 scoops takes me just over 200ml. 2 scoops is sort of near 160ml, but that would mean the perfect ratio is now 80g per 500ml, which isn’t a 5:1 ratio. So if it’s somewhere inbetween 2 and 3 the “Perfect Scoop” is moot and neither my jug or shaker measure ml that accurately anyway, especially with non-liquids. 500ml to 160ml isn’t 5:1 either. Why not just say how many scoops per how many ml of water, and then give details of what that contains?
He tells us to use kitchen scales for accuracy, but with no indication of the measurements needed (unless that’s where the 160ml comes from, but that was mentioned in the video before the kitchen scales, and would mean the “perfect” mix is 160g Huel (because g is the same as ml on scales) per 500ml water).
The grill is not an ice barrier, it mixes the powder and water together (although it may double as an ice barrier). Try shaking without one and see what you get (as I did the first time, to the ridicule of all the protein drinkers in my office when I mentioned the ice barrier thing from the first instruction video).
Further to that, why is 500 calories given as a baseline for the mix? No combination of “Perfect Scoops” would give 500 calories, and a 5:1 ratio of 500 ml Water with 100g Huel would give 400 calories.
This would be a very confusing video for anyone who hasn’t already studied the tables in the How to use Huel FAQ. The Super Hueler has forgotten what it’s like to be a newbie.
The ice barrier is an ice barrier. 100% fact. It’s in the manufacturer’s own docs.
I never use the ice barrier unless I use ice and it’s just fine.
We didn’t put too many specifics in the video so the video can last in the long term. The amount in a scoop can change when we change the recipe.
We didn’t put too many specifics in the video so the video can last in the long term. The amount in a scoop can change when we change the recipe.
But you’re both specifc and vague, giving values like 160ml and 500 calories that don’t have any connection or explanation. It’s very confusing.
The ice barrier is an ice barrier. 100% fact. It’s in the manufacturer’s own docs.
I never use the ice barrier unless I use ice and it’s just fine.
Mesh grill for lump-free shakes
The mesh grill is ideal for active individuals who mix nutrient-dense shakes using ingredients such as Pure Fine Oats, or products such as our GN Diet Whey™ or Pure Mass®.
Each shaker bottle has a secure screw-top lid and an enclosed mesh grill, which avoids unwanted lumps so that you can enjoy each drink right from the bottle
Mixmaster shaker is suitable for all who want a mesh lid to remove all lumps when mixing to provide a smooth sweet tasting blend, additionally an easy opening nozzle top for drinking from.
If you Google for “ice barrier” and “Buchsteiner”, there’s only one result.
Neither bulkpowders nor gonutrtion are the manufacturer. The manufacturer is Buchsteiner, in their official documentation it’s a ice barrier.
If so, then it’s a mistake in the translation, the mesh is for blending. This lumps and mesh topic was discussed in an earlier thread and the purpose of the mesh was established. Shakes are mixed with either a mesh or a metal ball, for all shakers whoever the manufacturer.
And I’m sorry, but I don’t believe that you get lump free shakes without one. I’m actually annoyed that I’m being lied to about it.
Anyway, you’ve had my detailed response to the video (sorry to have been critical, but you did ask for comments). I don’t think anything will be gained from my responding further.
@Jay what I have to gain by saying that it’s an ice barrier?
I’ve mixed a lot with and without the ice barrier and you get lumps both ways. I’m not a liar and people don’t call me one.
This referred to the amount of water to user per scoop of Huel.
This referred to the amount of water to user per scoop of Huel.
That explains it, that was particularly dumb of me.
“And I’m sorry, but I don’t believe that you get lump free shakes without one”.
I mix all my Huels without the “ice barrier” and rarely get lumps.
One thing I might have added is:
Don’t press the Huel powder down into the scoop or you’ll compact it in there, and then you’ll have to bang the scoop against the shaker to get it out, and then it might plash.
Actually Julian, the mesh grill is in fact for helping to mix out lumps. It says that on all those types of bottles. Those shake bottles all have either a mesh grill or a ball or a metal spiral, but they all have something or other to help break up lumps.
Jay you made some very good points. I too got instantly confused when the scoop was held up while saying “One part Huel …” I wanted to say, “Hey mistake! Not one scoop per 500ml”. This will definitely confuse a lot of people new to Huel.
This video is like a poorly thought out and constructed Apple ad. Literally makes no sense at all.
Everyone that watches this knows it makes no sense.