New Product Alert! Huel Complete Protein

Just tried the Vanilla Fudge. The sweetener is horrid. I think plenty people will be ok I just can’t stand the taste of sweeteners. The Black Huel I am fine with as there isn’t any. I’ll struggle to get past it with this - wish there wasn’t any in there as it’s a great idea.

To be clear the flavour is great - it’s an aftertaste of sweetener that is disappointing. Consistency was great in the new shaker.

Dead easy in new shaker. I used ice cold filtered water and shook for no longer than suggested. Very smooth.

While you touched on this, can I do a quick follow up… Normally I mix one scoop of Black with about 25g of additional protein and leave them overnight. Are you suggesting I leave the Black overnight, and then just add the protein before I head out to the gym? I’ll be honest, if it’s solely about the flavor, it doesnt matter too much to me…!

Perhaps this is the equivalent of seductively playing with a chip between your fingers before eating it?

Why did you choose to use turmeric extract? Very interesting

I take turmeric almost everyday

Also, any plan to include turmeric on the Huel White/Black?

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@Julian I just realised your Huel’s founder so just wanted to shout out and say I’ve just ordered some huel protein (S&C) and absolutely love it- bravo!

It’s crazy, I tried Huel a few years back and although there was clearly something promising there, it wasn’t quite for me. Im astounded by how far the product has come since (RTD, black, the shaker, the protein powder!) - the product now is awesome and I live by it.

P.S. Please do a crowdfund! Would love to invest in huel :wink:

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Huel user since 1.0 here!

Just some feedback on the protein - it’s everything I ever wanted for a gym goer!

AMAZING taste - I don’t get people comparing whey vs plant-like whey is generally better. The Huel offering is probably the best tasting protein I’ve tried.
Great tubs
lower cals.
It’s a no brainer!

I bought Chocolate and Banana, both of which are great on their own…but once you mix them together - Choco-banana! You heard it here first.

Other impressions: I noticed it doesn’t thicken up like regular Huel does. I presume because of the fibre content (more below) and I sort of miss the thickening effect.

The fibre is lower so I’m not sure if i’ll meet my intake as i’m replacing regular Huel with the protein which has helped with the ol’ morning :poop:
I’ll have to see how I get on with this.

Being a bit picky, the only thing is I’ve sold so many Huel products to people from my v1.0 t-shirt which is now retired from advertising to others in the wild and in the bin from the holes that they didn’t send me another sniff. I’ll still shout about how good the protein is.

Anyway, if you’re thinking about it - go ahead, great taste. Some ‘unflavoured’ types will find it a little sweet but it’s a protein shake - to be expected and tastes great. It’s going to be a hit with protein drinkers everywhere.
I’m coming from Huel Black and a Keto based diet so the Protein being lower carb and cals is great!

Thumbs up Huel - you did it again! :+1:


Has anyone tried both the Huel Black Strawberry and Cream as well as the Huel Protein? Do they taste about the same?

I think the Americanised “Strawberry Shortcake” flavour is a more accurate description for the Huel Protein… I was expecting something a bit… light and refreshing. It’s got a slight stodgy cakey caramel hint to it.

Always gutted as never get these freebies and been buying huel forever, but will defo order.


Tried choc fudge and vanilla fudge now. Don’t think this is for me. There’s a taste that lingers in my mouth long after and something just doesn’t work for me.

Will be sticking to v3.0 and Black for my Huel needs.

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Received my first order today. Couldn’t decide which one to try so bought vanilla, chocolate and strawberry as I needed to buy some new protein powder soon anyway. Great timing for the release!

I went for the first one I picked out the cupboard on my return from the gym which was vanilla. 150ml of cold water from the fridge, 1 large ice cube (I like it cold) and 30g of powder. Quick blast in the nutri ninja which gave it a very silky, smooth texture. The flavour for my taste was great but I do have a sweet tooth. Hope the other flavours are as nice and I’ll be very pleased!

Adding this to black edition, H&S and the odd RTD and bars when I’m on the move and short on time fits perfectly for me.

Great job guys, it’s a big thumbs up from me.


If anyone has tried the banana milkshake flavour, does it taste like the banana RTD? Because if it does I’m tempted to buy some right away, that stuff is delicious and I’m out of banana nesquik haha

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It’s because of the active component curcumin.

There are potential benefits around exercise and inflammation which is why we included turmeric extract.

Not at the moment. It’s a balance between what would be beneficial to the majority of consumers and cost.

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I have been using curcumin and piperine for many years; not everyday but several times a week. Normally in something called golden milk, which is a combination of turmeric, black pepper, plant based milk and coconut oil, alongside a sweetener to temper the quite earthy taste. IS IT BENEFICIAL? That’s hard to measure unscientifically, as I can’t tell how anti-inflammatory it is.

I don’t really know how good my B12 supplements are either or whether pro- and probiotics are just hype.

There’s a little more info and references to what Dan said on this page!

Firstly, so so glad you love Complete Protein, thank you so much! Remember though it is a snack, so the fibre will be a little lower pro rata. So replacing your regular Huel (400kcal) with Complete Protein (105kcal) will naturally give you less other nutrients.

Anyone else reading who isn’t a sweet tooth, we have an unflavoured version too, so you can also get your protein!

You did receive your t-shirt, shaker and scoop with your first order though right? :confused: I’m sorry, we can’t give shakers and t-shirts away every time we launch a new line, we’d run out too quickly! Nothing personal, it’s just that we only give them away with first orders with Huel, not first orders of each product line.

Thanks everyone giving us feedback, we really appreciate it!

I also take in every dinner curcumin and piperine (black pepper) together for more than 3 years now.

Also I did read a year ago that the curcumin-piperine benefits werent completely proved. Not sure of that, but I will continue taking them both.

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Yes that’s right; there’s no harm in it, but I sometimes wonder of the merits.

Brits already get all Huel products at a very good discount price compared to Europeans so there’s absolutely no reason to be gutted. Compared to European prices, you have saved hundreds of pounds over a few years.

For example, I won’t even try this new Complete Protein product (although it sounds great) because it is over 3 times more expensive per portion than the high quality locally produced whey protein that I use. It’s worth noting that I live in a country that has high prices for food products compared to the European average because we’re in the north.

Can anyone who tried it answer, how filling is it compared to Black Edition? Does one portion of this reduce hunger more than the same kcal-amount of Black?

Could this product also be used as a meal replacement?