New website - what have we missed?

This week we put live a new version of our website, one that looks nicer and performs better. But because the website is so big we could have missed some key bits.

What do you all think about it? As our most active Huelers we’d love to get some feedback on how the website performs and mainly what could be improved. Thank you in advance!

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Looks good. Did you ever get my message I sent you a few days ago on this forum?

I struggled to get too “Manage subscription”. I had to find a link in your help section.


Clicking manage my account from the menu just reloads the page and there is no way to login. I had to google this then showed the correct url then I could sign in.

Update - I think this is only on the mobile site (iPad)

I believe this one has now been fixed by Chris, thanks for raising it!


Yes. Looks good now.


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Really liking the mobile site.

Took me a minute to find the promo code field though - only way I spotted seems to be clicking “order details” once through to the payment page of the checkout, don’t think I missed it elsewhere.

Today I keep getting redirected to the UK site, whenever I try to reach the german one - whether I go there via the link at the top of this site, via google or via my own bookmark for subscription management.
Is this intentionally so or just a bug?

I can’t log in on my mobile. I’ve got a Sony running Android.

Rather than my phone, it may be a problem with my account.

I live in South Korea, and since you change your website I’ve had problems ordering Huel. I’ve ordered it plenty of times before, but now I can’t get past the shipping page. No matter what I do I always get:

“Your cart has been modified and the shipping rate you previously selected no longer applies. Please select a new rate.”

Only one shipping option is ever presented, and I always choose it, but I always get the above message.

I hoped I would be able to get around this problem by ordering on my mobile, but no luck.

I don’t know if these two issues are related.

I didn’t see this when I made my post, but I’ve listed a set of grievances here: Unifying the Huel Web Experience

The big grey banner at the top doesn’t do you any favours.

This situation keeps persisting for (while there is no problem with
Until recently deliveries to Austria were managed via the German site. Any change in that?

Do you mean the sticky top nav where you select About Huel etc? Or the main product image banner?


The old website wasn’t bad but I think the updated one is really nice.

I have noticed there seems to be some duplication with recipes.

Yes, the image banner you’ve pasted above. I know it might be a struggle because your packaging is white, but the grey is very uninviting. There’s no reason it can’t remain grey, but a much lighter tone would probably work wonders. Or use a real background, with the items on a genuine surface (kitchen worktop, etc).

Your designs are usually so nice and clean, but this heavy grey is muddy and doesn’t really chime.


I think on the ordering page, as highlighted by some recent threads, maybe have an explanation of the differences between New Vanilla and Original Vanilla somewhere more clearly, rather than having to hover over the small blue i icon.

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