it’s the ‘1000 meal’ shaker from the customer loyalty scheme
Yes, as @mbs said we will be replacing this with Coffee-Caramel so this will still be v3.0.
Im confused. I didnt get a 1000 meal shaker, but i recently got a 3000 meal shaker. Was i just too late to reach the 1000 mark, but have managed to stay the course and got in soon enough for the 3000 one? And was there a 2000 meal shaker? Enquiring minds need to know.
Additional costs tho
Nope 1000, 3000 and 5000 shakers. They only introduced it recently so you hit the 3000 mark. The 5000 deal was actually first out of the trap, then the other two were added.
And obvs the 1 meal shaker
They should do a two meal shaker for the fat bastards* amongst us.
*It’s meant to be a joke. Faith No More had an album of a similar name so think I’m ok.
I have finally got some of the new version and good lord…
The flavor has been ‘improved’ so much that it no longer even tastes like coffee to me, it is some sort of generic sweet caramel flavour. Did Huel forget to put the coffee in?
Coffee huel was my main staple, I drink one for breakfast every day. This new one is too sweet as I feared. After years of sampling every flavour going, coffee is the one that I never substituted and the only one that I can drink without feeling like I can’t stomach another shaker full after a few days. All other flavours have been relegated to an occasional treat.
I had finally settled on it being the only powder I would order going forwards and now it is effectively discontinued.
I don’t really know what this means for my huel journey going forward. I hope it is not over, it has been good for me.
God save the Coffee.
Completely agree, it is a huge disappointment. I have to try “competition brand” Coffee again, I dont rememeber if I liked it or no. (Please do not suggest me putting espresso shots into vanilla huel or similar solutions)
Can anyone suggest an alternative brand? I am going to look at switching from Huel in order to find another non-sweet coffee flavour. Not sure the Huel team actually realise the impact ditching coffee will have on customer base.
Globally we will continue to sell v3.0 until stock has gone, then you will be moved over to v3.1 this will be the case for all flavours until v3.0 stock has gone.
I’m sorry to hear this, our Coffee Caramel flavour was a top-selling flavour for us and we didn’t have a high repeat rate with Coffee which led us to believe this is what our customer base would want. We of course understand that this won’t be the case for everyone and we’re sorry you’re disappointed with the update. We will of course keep an eye on the metrics and pass across all your feedback to ensure we’re doing whats best for our customers.
Hi @Charlotte_Huel coffee powder had been my main staple for years so i will certainly miss it. I am not a fan of the caramel flavours and have no other preferences in other flavours either. I have a few coffee bags left so will have to go slow. I will certainly miss it.
Thank you for letting me know @vsc I will of course make sure your feedback is passed across
I like it. Not really got a sweet tooth but always enjoy a good flavour combination.
How sweet is it? What other flavours would you recommend? Are the more expensive flavours worth their price?
I can’t justify the extra cost of the more expensive flavours. It’s a shame as I’m curious. I bet they’re great.
How sweet is Coffee Caramel? Not really sure. What’s the generally recognised measure for sweetness? I’d describe it as “sweet” (ie not sour and not bland). But not “too sweet”. Sweet enough to be appealing, not so sweet as to be unappealing. So just right.
As for recommendations, no much use as everyone’s different, there’s no guarantees one person’s taste is anything like another’s. But Coffee Caramel is one of my favourites.
Do you refer to black edition or the new standard powder?
Black Edition.
The flavour of the gluten-free standard Huel hasn’t been changed yet - at least in the German webstore. Is the gluten-free edition not affected by the flavour change?
Not meaning to be overtly rude, but asking about an alternative brand on a product’s website is not quite ethical. Cruise Amazon and read the reviews there.