So I tried Mana

I’m thinking from an internal point of view, if we can afford to give away metal scoops that have a retail price of $8+, then we should be able to give away scales that also have a retail price of $8+.

Are you talking in dollars because the pound is going through the floor and by next week £8 will probably buy you half a pint of milk? :grinning:


Not sure I follow you and your assumption is distorting the debate: 8 euros is what the Mana guys charge for a replacement scoop, we have no clue how much it costs originally. You’d need to get in touch with a manufacturer to reach that number and make a decision.

Also, the point of the scoop is the practicality. I can’t put a scale in my pocket but I can put a spoon. If I need to wash it I can throw it in the dishwasher or, in a pinch, put it under a tap. A scale would leave me where I am now, with powder all over the place.

And everyone has a kitchen scale. I’m looking at one as I type. Using it would defeat the purpose of eating a super practical meal.

Bit late to the party here. But, we can talk about “the perfect scoop” all we want however we would never, ever be able to produce a cost effective and perfectly accurate scoop. The Mana scoop is not exactly 50g. I’ve had a go with a metal scoop just now. I stopped after 8 attempts because I got 8 different values ranging from 67g to 61g. I was filling it completely and levelling it off inside the bag and still did not get a single repeatable result.

So either we can be inexpensively inaccurate, or we can be expensively inaccurate.


This is exactly the pocket scale I’m using every for my powdered meals! As small as a credit card, very small and useful, and accurate. The only glitch is that it can’t measure more than 500 g.

BEST site EVER! And exactly the amounts I like (with U&U, for which your formula is totally correct too). I’ll write about it on my blog! :slight_smile:

Seriously anyone uses a scale? What are you bored of life?

4 scoops, very roughly measured, dumped into a shaker. Same amount stuck in a lock and lock box and taken to work.

Job done.

Also - changing the spoon? are you all completely mad or can you not spot that you’re being trolled?

it’s A SPOON. plastic / metal / bone who gives a damn as long as it’s cheap and you know whats in it!?

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I don’t use a scale, a metal spoon lasts longer than thin plastic and with the current its hard to get round numbers.

Same happens with the plastic spoon, pockets of air form and leave gaps in the powder. But I’m still thinking of having a metal spoon made for myself.


200, 400, 600, 800, or 1000 calories

makes more sense than

152, 304, 456, 608, 760, or 912 calories.

(And as far as your example, you can approximate 500 calories much easier from a 200-calorie scoop than a 152-calorie scoop.)

The replacement scoops are $8. Shipping is free with orders of $25 or more, and most people simply add them to existing orders, Also, with metal, very few people would need replacements.

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@Ric Do you want a bet? Of course it’s easy to get to 500 from 456, than it is from 400.

“very few people would need replacements.” we got so many people wanting a second scoop - one for home and one for work - that we send out two scoops with all orders now.

Do you have a quick trick, something that I can do while rushing out the door because I overslept once more? [quote=“Julian, post:51, topic:4215”]
we got so many people wanting a second scoop - one for home and one for work - that we send out two scoops with all orders now.

Send a metal one, let them buy the second at a discount. Replacement scoops then cost more.

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@ruipacheco I have two tricks…

  1. Use scales
  2. Add three scoops and bit more

In terms metal scoops we will send out a survey. It will say.

Would you prefer?

A - two free plastic scoops with your first order, and free additional scoops


B - one free metal scoops with your first order, but additional scoops will cost £10.50, or £6.50 if you spend over £25 in a single order.

I’ve just checked 50g of joylent is not 200 cals.

Current version = 50g = 203.5 cals

Another issue you have about a 200 cal scoop is that will probably only work for one version. because the recipe and ratios change E.g.

Huel v2.0 = 100g = 400 cals
Huel v1.2 = 100g = 410 cals

This is the same for Soylent
Soylent v1.5 = 500 cals = 115g
Soylent v1.6 = 500 cals = 106g

So on the bottle of the soylent scoop it says 250 but it will not longer be 250 cals.

Use scales

This is not a trick. I’m stressed and late for work, I’ll just pocket a packet of oatmeal and move on.

Add three scoops and bit more

Could work.

@ruipacheco sorry I agree it’s not a “trick” it’s just good advice. It takes probably an extra 5 seconds to use them. Open drawer, take out scales, turn on, add huel, put away.

I highly recommend using scales. Precise nutrition.


Lets agree to disagree :slight_smile:

Try a very small pocket scale. I use it everyday with Huel and coffee. I carry it with me when I travel.


Seeing as we’re comparing scales, I’ve used a set of these for years. Might buy another for work now I’m on the Huel bandwagon!

Looking on Amazon for stainless steel spoons, I came across this digital measuring spoon (although it’s not metal). Am wondering if this might make things easier, especially when travelling:

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