The biggest and best Huel launch ever... Huel Hot & Savoury

Haha, it’s a good point! Thank you for tempering your fury with a complimentary comparison to Batman.

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thoroughly enjoyed my hot and savoury huel today.

feel more full.

probably going to change my eating habits for the better.

As you wish, although there’s not much to say except TGC worked fine with that recipe as well :slightly_smiling_face:. 400 ml of water made it soupy which was fine but I’m going to try a little less water next time. The U&U formed small lumps which I didn’t mind. Added salt, sriracha powder and garlic powder, gonna experiment more with that. This is probably the way I’ll eat H&S most of the times to make the bags last longer, and use 2 scoops when I want a “deluxe version”.

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definitely more full an hour 20 minutes after. compared to a 400kcal of powder shake.

i deduce, its the carbs, and its the bigger food parts so digests slower.

this is good.

since curing my reflux ive been enjoying food a little too much.

this will help me reduce kcal.


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I’m not sure. I love the concept and it works. The taste is quite acceptable and it is nutritious. I don’t think it mixes well in the supplied “jug” but a small bowl works very well, no lumps or remaining powder. But, I’m not sure and I’m not sure why. I will keep trying it and maybe my view will change. Maybe some recipes would help to help to make it a little more than it is.

Can you show some sensitivity please David. Some people still can only dream of a Huel pot.


well said.

I keep seeing poor @David’s crumpled face. He will be gutted to have given such offence. Please don’t do anything silly, David. Like self-flaggelation with a string of knotted hankies.

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Or comfort eat 10 huel bars in a day…


The ones without a pot are the lucky ones. I hope and pray that Huel is scrambling to redesign their travesty of a pot lid before they foist them on any more unwitting customers. That lettering being several millimetres too far to the left is an image I will take to my grave.

The solution is probably very complicated, like, I don’t know, inserting a space before the H so that when you centre the logo it looks balanced. But a space is probably wider than an ®, which would cause the logo to be even less central, and on the right. That’s a frightening thought.

The alternative is to use this logo whenever centre-justified text is required. Huel, you can have this for free.

All I ask is that in the future, you run any graphic designs past me before you deploy them.


Gotta love those big mugs.

@Dan_Huel, probably asked before, so apologies in advance, but how does the heating process affect the nutrients?

Update on my earlier fairly positive experience with the tomato & herb, having now made a few more meals with both flavours:

  • The Thai is spot on: more dialled-in I’d say that the T&H.
  • T&H can easily be significantly improved by a good dash of sriracha, or similar.
  • For those having texture issues: “cooking” time is key — I find that it becomes much thicker if you leave it to soak a little longer.

On a side note, if you like a thicker texture, have you ever thrown a Pot Noodle & water in a flask and left it for a long time while you, say, go on a hike? Mega. Goes super thick.

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There will be some degradation of the more sensitive micronutrients e.g. vitamin C and folate but we’ve accounted for this in our formulations. We’ve also run lab tests of microwaved and boiled water samples vs a cold water standard.


Expected something like that. Just checking. Thanks for the info!

Using cold water up to the line, how long to microwave in 850W oven?

kettle > microwave

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Cool. (Or Hot, I guess). Just seen this so thought I’d log in and add some bags to my existing 10 week subscription of powder. 3 bags would be okay if I had a Hot & Savoury every 3 or 4 days so that’d do me for 10 weeks. Don’t think I’d want it every day as I enjoy cooking normal meals in the evening, but it would be nice to have some extra grub in the cupboard, so the minimum 3 bag subscription would probably last my normal 10 week subscription period.
Er… How do I do this? There isn’t an option to add it in the Edit Subscriptions section as far as I can tell, and the option to create a new subscription from the product page only goes to 8 weeks. Seems a bit backward. Maybe there’s an option I’ve overlooked? Am I missing something? Please call me a plonker if I am!!
Surely, it’d make sense to be able to combine with existing subscriptions to keep everything in a single delivery - Not really interested unless I can combine the deliveries (it’s a pain in the arse keeping track of deliveries already before adding yet another one)

At the pictures it looks weird…not like a shake. And it’s not sweet…that means it is no real meal replacement like I know it…so I’m definitely not interested. Hot and Sweet would be a good idea, though…just without solid stuff…

It’s not a shake, it’s a textured meal replacement though. I don’t think there is really anything to properly compare it to - nothing else on the market (correct me if I’m wrong) gives a textured 400 calorie meal with full balanced nutrition.

I actually have mixed views on the textured element, I live on 100% huel for 4 weeks out of every 6 and whilst it’s perfectly doable I do sometimes miss that feeling of chewing on something substantial and hot. Yes we do have the bars but they don’t quite scratch that itch.

For what it’s worth, and your mileage may vary, but I’ve always found even “real” Thai curries to be quite sweet as well as hot. So for me this TGC hot&savoury works in the same way.

Maybe you could petition for a Hot & Savoury sweet and sour flavour? :man_shrugging:

I haven’t tried my new meals yet. I’m thinking of buying a insulated soup mug so I can make it and take it with me outdoors. I’m wondering how long it is safe to keep for this way? If it stays hot in an insulated mug? eg thermos

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